al Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision, Taweez for Success in work, Amulet for prosperity

al Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision | Asma ul Husna

al Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision | Asma ul Husna


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al Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision, Taweez for Success in work, Amulet for prosperity

al Shakur Name of Allah ash-Shakūr YA-SHAKOOR

  • The Most Grateful, The Most Appreciative, The Rewarder of Good Works
  • The One who is most thankful for righteousness and bestows great rewards for good deeds.
  • The One who gratefully gives large rewards, even for a small amount of good work.
  • The One who acknowledges and bountifully rewards all acts of goodness, thankfulness and praise.
  • The One who frequently and greatly approves, rewards and forgives.

There are 99 names of Allah, These names of Allah are attributes and meaning of Allah Names tell us about Each Asma Ul Husna, praises to Allah.

al Shakur Taweez for Success in work
Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision
Taweez for prosperity, Amulet prosperity
Success Amulet, Success Talisman, Amulet for Eyes,


This Coded Dua Taweez of Asma Ul Husna is 100% authentically-made, in line with the ancient Sufi and Arabic Islamic Tradition. This Taweez is completely HAND-CRAFTED, in the traditional manner, by a true practitioner of the Arabic Sufi Tradition.

With Every Talisman you will extra 2 Gifts,
A Powerful Attunement of Energy Healing.
30 minutes Distance Healing for 11 Weeks.

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al Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision, Taweez for Success in work, Amulet for prosperityal Shakur Taweez for eye sight, Improves the vision | Asma ul Husna
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