Muslim Baby Girl Names With K

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K 

NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET K YOUR PERSONALITY —You are secretive, self-contained, and shy. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this. Muslim Baby Girl Names With K

Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. 

You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role or any game, and take your love life very seriously. 

You don’t fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along. You are very generous & giving, often selfless. 

You are kind-natured & sweet, which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K 

1: Kaarima

Kaarima is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “generous”, “honorable”, “kindhearted”, “noble”, “excellent”. Kaarima is derived from the K-R-M quranic root.

2: Kabira

Kabira is an Arabic name for girls that means “great”, “powerful”, “leader”. It is used 4 times in the Quran.

3: Kafiyah

Kafiyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “sufficient”, a person who can fully take care of another person’s needs and make them needless of others.

4: Kahhalah

Kahhalah is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who wears kohl”, a woman who beautifies her eyes with kohl.

5: Kaina

Kaina means “being”, “created by God”. It also means “event” or “happening”.

6: Kainaat

Kainaat is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “all being”, “all creations”, “The Creation”. It is the plural of Kaina. Kainaat is derived from the K-W-N root.

7: Kalifah

Kalifah is an Arabic name for girls that means “adorer”, “lover”, “fancier”.

8: Kalima

Kalima is an Arabic name for girls that means “word”. It is used 28 times in the Quran.

9: Kamalah

Kamalah is an Arabic name for girls that means “wholeness”, “flawlessness”, “perfection”.

10: Kamaliyyah

Kamaliyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “without flaws”, “perfect”.

11: Kamayilah

Kamayilah is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “without flaws”, “perfect”.

12: Kamilaa

Kamilaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “complete”, “perfect”, “without shortcoming”.

13: Kamilah

Kamilah is a Quranic name for girls that means complete, perfect, and flawless. It is mentioned directly in the Quran twice.

14: Kamilat

Kamilat is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “complete”, “without shortcoming”. It is the plural of Kamilah.

15: Kamillaa

Kamillaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “without flaws”, “perfect”.

16: Kanza

Kanza is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “treasure”. It is derived from the K-N-Z root which is used seven times in the Quran.

17: Karam

Karam is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “generosity”, “selflessness”, “to honor others”.

18: Karamah

Karamah is an Arabic name for girls that means “honor”, “to be honored”.

19: Kareema

Kareema is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “generous”, “honorable”, “kindhearted”, “noble”, “excellent”. Kareema is derived from the K-R-M quranic root.

20: Kashaaf

Kashaaf is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “discoverer”, “finder”. It is derived from the K-SH-F root which is used in many places in the Quran.

21: Kateebah

Kateebah is an Arabic name for girls that means “battalion”, “regiment”, which is a large division of an army.

22: Katibah

Katibah is an Arabic name for girls that means “writer”, “one who writes”.

23: Kattamah

Kattamah is an Arabic name for girls that means “keeper of secrets”, a person who keeps people’s secrets safe and does not publicize them.

24: Kawkab

Kawkab means star or planet. In modern Arabic textbooks the word Kawkab is reserved for planets, while the word najm is used for stars.

25: Kawkaba

Kawkabah is another version of the Kawkab, meaning “planet” or “star”, and according to Al-Azhari Kawkabah was used by the Arabs to refer to the planet Venus.

26: Kawnaa

Kawnaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “being”, “existing”, “happening”.

27: Kawnah

Kawnah is an Arabic name for girls that means “existing”, “being”, “happening”, a single instance of kana (“was”, “to be”).

28: Kawnain

Kawnain is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “the two beings”, “the two existences”, “the two universes”.

29: Kazimah

Kazimah is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who controls her anger and doesn’t act on it”, which is a trait that is praised in the Quran.

30: Keenda

Keenda is an Arabic name for girls that means “part of a mountain”.

31: Kendaa

Kendaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “part of a mountain”.

32: Khabirah

Khabirah is an Arabic name for girls that means “expert”, “experienced”.

33: Khafifah

Khafifah is an Arabic name for girls that means “nimble”, “agile”, “cute”, “lovable”.

34: Khaira

Khaira means good, better, best, the opposite of bad and evil. It is used in description of the Huris of Paradise in verse 70 of Surat ar-Rahman.

35: Khairaat

Khairaat is the plural of Khaira. It means a woman who has an abundance of beauty and good characteristics.

36: Khairiya

Khairiya means good and charitable, when used as a name its meaning is related to Khaira and Khairaat: A woman who is virtuous, beautiful and good-natured.

37: Khaldaa

Khaldaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “immortal”, “eternal”.

38: Khaleedah

Khaleedah is an Arabic name for girls that means “immortal”, “eternal”.

39: Khaleef

Khaleef is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls. It has many meanings: Great leader, an heir or successor (synonym of Khaleefa).

40: Khaleefa

Khaleefa is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls. It means heir, successor, agent, deputy, trustee, and the Quran uses it to refer to all humanity.

41: Khaleela

Khaleela means intimate friend and is the girl version of the name Khaleel.

42: Khalidah

Khalidah is an Arabic name for girls that means “immortal”, “eternal”. It is the feminine form of the common boy name Khalid.

43: Khalisah

Khalisah is an Arabic name for girls that means “pure”. The word Khalisah is used five times in the Quran, such as in verse 2:94.

44: Khaliyah

Khaliyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “solitary” (one who is alone by herself). It also means “that which has passed”. It also means “empty”.

45: Khalsat

Khalsat is an Arabic name for girls that means “purity”, “safety”.

46: Khalulah

Khalulah is an Arabic name for girls that means “nimble”, “agile”, “light”.

47: Khamrah

Khamrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “good scent”.

48: Khatibah

Khatibah is an Arabic name for girls that means “speaker”. It also means “fiancee”.

49: Khawlah

Khawlah is an Arabic name for girls that means “gazelle”.

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K

50: Khayal

Khayal is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “imagination”, “fantasy”, “vision”, “thought”.

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K 

51: Khayyira

Khayyira is a synonym of (has the same meaning as) Khaira, it means a woman who is good in character and beautiful in looks and manners.

52: Khazraa

Khazra is an Arabic name for girls that means “green”, “green-colored”.

53: Khazrat

Khazrat is an Arabic name for girls that means “green” (the color), “softness”.

54: Khazzarah

Khazzarah is an Arabic name for girls that means “soft”, “green”.

55: Kheer

Kheer is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “virtue”, “honor”, “generosity”.

56: Khibrah

Khibrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “expertise”, “deep knowledge”.

57: Khilaal

Khilaal is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “friendship”, “companionship”.

58: Khilfah

Khilfah is an Arabic name for girls that means “successor”, “that which replaces something else”.

59: Khilfat

Khilfat is an Arabic name for girls that means “successor”, “that which replaces something else”.

60: Khimar

Khimar is an Arabic name for girls that means “veil”, “scarf”, “cover”, “covering”.

61: Khimrah

Khimrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “good scent”. It also means “veil”, “covering”.

62: Khiraa

Khiraa is an Arabic name for girls that means “to select”, “to choose from”, “to purify”.

63: Khulaifah

Khulaifah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “successor”. It is the diminutive form of Khalifah.

64: Khulaisah

Khulaisah is an Arabic name for girls that means “pure”, “pristine”, “wholesome”.

65: Khullah

Khullah is an Arabic name for girls that means “friendship”, “love”.

66: Khulud

Khulud is an Arabic name for girls that means “immortality”, “perpetuity”.

67: Khuta

Khuta is an Arabic name for girls that means “steps”, it is the plural of Khutwah (“step”).

68: Khuwairah

Khuwairah is an Arabic name for girls that means “good”, “virtuous”.

69: Khuzarah

Khuzarah is an Arabic name for girls that means “sea”, “ocean”, from the KH-DHAD-R (“greenness”) root due to the fact that the ocean appears green.

70: Khuzrah

Khuzrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “green” (the color), “softness”.

71: Kifahah

Kifahah is an Arabic name for girls that means “striving”, “struggle”.

72: Kifayah

Kifayah is an Arabic name for girls that means “contentment”, “satisfaction”, “adequacy”.

73: Kifayatullah

Kifayatulllah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “contentment that comes from God”, meaning that the person is a gift from God that makes one needless of other things.

74: Kinanah

Kinanah is an Arabic name for girls that means “quiver”, which is a container that holds arrows. Kinanah is also the name of an Arabian tribe (called Banu Kinanah.

75: Kindah

Kindah is an Arabic name for girls that means “part of a mountain”.

76: Kindiyyah

Kindiyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who comes from a mountain”, “one who is like a mountain in tallness or firmness”.

77: Kiram

Kiram is an Arabic name for girls that menas “generous”, “selfless”, “honorable”, “one who honors others”.

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K

78: Kiswa

Arabic for “garment”, “clothing”. It refers to the black silk cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

79: Kulfah

Kulfah is an Arabic name for girls that means “tan color”, a color between black and red”. It also means “charge”, “burden”, something entrusted to your care.

80: Kulfat

Kulfat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “charge”, “burden”, something entrusted to your care. It also means “tan color”, a color between black and red.

81: Kulsumah

Kulsumah is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who has full healthy cheeks”, figuratively meaning “beautiful”.

82: Kumailah

Kumailah is an Arabic name for girls that means “whole”, “without shortcoming”, “perfect”.

83: Kumailiyah

Kumailiyah is an Arabic name for girls that menas “whole”, “without shortcoming”, “perfect”.

84: Kunaizah

Kunaizah is an Arabic name for girls that means “little treasure”. It is the diminutive form of Kanzah.

85: Kuram

Kuram is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “generous”, “selfless”, “one who honors others”.

Muslim Baby Girl Names With K 

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