Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance



Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance


Surah Yaseen is ‘makki’ with 83 verses and has been entitled by the name of its first verse, which is from the abbreviated letters, Ya-Sin. Without doubts, the Quran is great. And it stands out and fends for itself by Allah’s will.

Quran is the greatest blessing of Our Lord Allah Almighty, given to this mankind. In this Holy Book, a person can find solution to any problem and answer to all the questions provided that a person give focus and understand the deep meanings.

The Holy Quran (Koran) has been used as Powerful Healing, Anyone can Read Quran online, There are huge Quran quotes, The Quran has been translated into different languages’ Most read are Quran in english, Quran deutsch, Quran Bangla, Quran French.

For Every Muslim, there is reward for reciting each word of Quran. This recitation of The Holy Quran in addition to adding religious reward also influences on the life of a person in numerous ways.

What does Surah Yaseen teach us?

The suraah focuses on establishing the Qur’an as a divine source. This suraah tells about punishments that previous generations of non-believers got & as a warning to all upcoming generations.

Is Surah Yaseen powerful?

Yes, its very powerful of Surah Yaseen, read the Hadith on Surah Yaseen,

“Whoever recites Yaseen once, Allah will record the reward of reciting the Quran 10 times.” (Hadith Tirmidhi 2812/A)

“Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.” (Hadith Tafsir-al- Sabuni Vol.2)

Surah Yaseen Benefits There are countless Benefits of Surah Yaseen, few are given as below.

  1. Benefits of reading surah yaseen after fajr, If you are seeking Forgiveness from Allah: “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking the pleasure of Allah, that night he will be forgiven.” (Abu Nuaym)
  2. Our Beloved Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (razi allahu anhu) said that If you write Suraah Yasin with a saffron & rose water daily for 7 days (once for each day), then drinking this water, makes a person have such a good memory that he will never forget what he hears. He/She will win debates and will gain great respect and status.
  3. ​In another place, it is narrated from Our Beloved Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (razi allahu anhu) said that whoever recites Suraah Yasin in the morning will be protected from all calamities and problems during the day and whoever recites it at night will be protected from Shaitan by 70,000 angels.
  4. Regular Recitation {3 times surah yaseen} of Suraah Yasin saves one from the squeezing of the grave and its other torments. The difficult stages in the life hereafter will also be made easy for him.
  5. It is suggested to recite Yasin shareef near to a dying person as it helps them ease their way going to the other world.
  6. If Sura Yasin written with saffron and given to a Breast-Feeding Mother, her breast-milk will increase.
  7. Write Yasin Sharif with Saffron & rose water, and keep it pocket/House/Office, This Surah Taweez will acts as a protection from the jealousy of people, and remains safe from the evil designs of humans and Jinn.
  8. Yasin Surah also acts as a cure from disease.

Get the Coded Surah Yaseen Taweez, and keep it at your home/office and get blessings of this Quranic Ayats. 

This Coded Dua Taweez is 100% authentically-made, in line with the ancient Sufi and Arabic Islamic Tradition. This Taweez is completely HAND-CRAFTED, in the traditional manner, by a true practitioner of the Arabic Sufi Tradition.

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Read Surah Yaseen with English & Urdu translation or listen to audio with Urdu translation. It is the 36th Surah in the Quran with 83 verses. You can read full Surah Yasin with English & Urdu Translation online. The surah’s position in the Quran in Juz 22 – 23 and it is called Makki Surah.

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