al Barr Taweez to Rid vices like drinking alcohol, adultery



al Barr Taweez to Rid vices like drinking alcohol, adultery, Taweez for Protection of children from calamities and evil eye.

al Barr Ya Barru

The Kindly and Gracious Benefactor, The Righteous, The Source of Goodness
The One who is kind, gentle and ample in goodness. The One who is the doer of good, both materially and spiritually.
The One who is kindly and gracious. The One from whom every good deed comes. The One who is the source of all kindness and goodness.
The One who bountifully bestows the gifts of tolerance, gentleness, goodness and kindness. The One who is ever-merciful and compassionate.

There are 99 names of Allah, These names of Allah are attributes and meaning of Allah Names tell us about Each Asma Ul Husna, praises to Allah.

al Barr Taweez for Safety in travel, Coded Dua for Safety,
Taweez to Rid vices like drinking alcohol, adultery, Coded Dua for Alcohol stop drinking,
Taweez for Protection of children from calamities and evil eye, Coded Dua for Protection, Dua for Children,
al Barr Safety Amulet, Safety Talisman, Protection Amulet,


This Coded Dua Taweez is 100% authentically-made, in line with the ancient Sufi and Arabic Islamic Tradition. This Taweez is completely HAND-CRAFTED, in the traditional manner, by a true practitioner of the Arabic Sufi Tradition.

With Every Talisman you will extra 2 Gifts,
A Powerful Attunement of Energy Healing.
30 minutes Distance Healing for 11 Weeks.

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