• Sale! Coded Dua Taweez Surah Yaseen Benefits are Unlimited

    Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance

    Original price was: ₹13,340.00.Current price is: ₹3,679.08.

    Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance   Surah Yaseen is ‘makki’ with 83 verses and has been entitled by the name of its first verse, which is from the abbreviated letters, Ya-Sin. Without doubts, the Quran is great. And it stands out and fends for itself by Allah’s will. Quran is the greatest blessing of Our…

  • Sale! Quran Surah Yaseen Taweez For Protection, Increase Mothers Milk

    Quran Surah Yaseen Taweez For Protection, Increase Mothers Milk

    Original price was: ₹28,796.00.Current price is: ₹12,236.00.

    Quran Surah Yaseen Taweez For Protection Amulet, Effective to Improve Memory & Increase Mothers Milk • Protection Amulet: Keeping Surah Yasin Quran (written) in one’s possession as a talisman acts as a protection from the jealousy of people. • Whoever writes this surah on paper and wears it around the neck as a tawiz, would…