• Coded Dua Taweez Surah Muzammil benefits 8 Virtues

    8 Surah Muzammil benefits Coded Dua Taweez


    8 Surah Muzammil benefits Coded Dua Taweez Surah Muzammil is 73rd chapter with 20 ayat The starting 19 verses of this Surah were revealed in Makkah and the rest were revealed in Madinah, with 2 Rukus and in 29th para of Quran. Our Lord, Allah SWT has given Muslims the Holy Quran to seek guidance. The Holy Quran is…

  • Coded Dua Taweez Surah Yaseen Benefits are Unlimited

    Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance


    Surah Yaseen Benefits Coded Dua Taweez for Spiritual Guidance   Surah Yaseen is ‘makki’ with 83 verses and has been entitled by the name of its first verse, which is from the abbreviated letters, Ya-Sin. Without doubts, the Quran is great. And it stands out and fends for itself by Allah’s will. Quran is the greatest blessing of Our…

  • Surah Waqiah Benefits Taweez Coded Dua

    9 Surah Waqiah Benefits Taweez Coded Dua


    Surah Waqiah Benefits Taweez Coded Dua Surah Waqiah is the 56th Surah of the Holy Quran. The meaning of the Surah al-Waqia can be interpreted the event or the inevitable. There are total 96 verses in this single Surrah in three sections or Rukus. It was revealed in Makkah. The majority of the blessed Verses of…

  • Surah Kahf benefits Coded Dua Taweez

    Surah Kahf benefits Coded Taweez for Rizq


    Surah Kahf benefits Coded Taweez for Rizq Sura Kahf is the 18th Surat of Quran, contains 110 verses, all of which were revealed in Mecca, except verse 28 and 12 rukus (Ayaat). Surat al Kahf is one of the eminent Surah of Holy Quran. This Surah gives a very clear message that those who believe in Allah and…

  • Sale! Powerful Coded Dua Taweez of Surah Falaq Benefits Virtues

    7 Surah Falaq Benefits, Coded Dua Powerful Taweez

    Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €166.00.

    Surah Falaq Benefits, Coded Dua Powerful Taweez Quran is not just the word of Allah SWT it is a complete guide for mankind, with many life lessons hidden in each ayah for those who can understand. Sura Falaq is the most renowned and one of the easiest Sura to remember in the Quran. We are…

  • Surah Mumtahina benefits Coded Dua Taweez

    Surah Mumtahina benefits Coded Dua Taweez


    Surah Mumtahina benefits Coded Dua For Marriage   Surah Mumtahina Arabic: الممتحنة, (translated “She That Is To Be Examined”, “Examining Her”) is the 60th chapter of the Quran, which was revealed in Makkah 6th to the 7th year of Hijrah after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The blessed Chapter treats of love for God Almighty and forbidding…

  • Full Quran Verse Coded Dua Quran Taweez Dua for Love, Dua for Wealth

    Full Quran Verse Coded Dua Quran Powerful Taweez Dua for Love


    Full Quran Verse Coded Dua Quran Taweez Dua for Love, Dua for Wealth Complete Quran Taweez (Koran) For all Everything You Need 2025. The Quran is a healing for all human problems- whether they be spiritual, moral or physical in nature. It provides guidance for both believers and nonbelievers by stating what is right and…

  • Sale! Surah Nisa taweez for love between husband and wife, Home Safety from every danger

    Surah Nisa taweez for love between husband and wife, Home Safety

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Nisa taweez for love between husband and wife, Home Safety from every danger o Daily Recite 7 times for for love between Husband and wife or any two people. o Surah Nisa (ayat 45) is a remedy for distress, hardship o suraah An-Nisa (ayat 34) benefits Ease in Marriage, ease in child birth o…

  • Sale! Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy ease delivery, Detective Talisman

    Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy ease delivery, Detective Talisman

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery, Detective Talisman Surah Yonus Taweez, Dua for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery, Detective Amulet, Dua for easy delivery, Dua for Pregnancy, Coded Dua • Whoever recites Surat Yonus his reward would be equal to the number of the persons who have testified Allah. • Easy delivery:…

  • Sale! Surah Saffat Taweez For Protection & safety from all types of calamities

    Surah Saffat Taweez For Protection & safety from all types of calamities

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Saffat Taweez For Protection & safety from all types of calamities   • The reciter of this Suraah is protected from Shaitan and is safe from falling into disbelief and Shirk.   • Reciting Surah as-Saffat on every Friday keeps one safe from all types of calamities. His sustenance will increase and his life,…

  • Sale! Surah Takathur taweez to cure headaches and forgiveness of sins

    Surah Takathur taweez to cure headaches and forgiveness of sins

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Takathur taweez to cure headaches and forgiveness of sins   • To cure headaches and forgiveness of sins. • Surah Takathur benefits those who has headache, also Reciter earns sawab of Shaheed. • Those who recites Surah Takasur before going to sleep he would remain in Allah’s protection, and hardships and worries of the…

  • Sale! Surah Nasr Taweez to keeps away from enemies, worries & problems

    Surah Nasr Taweez to keeps away from enemies, worries & problems

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Nasr Taweez to keeps away from enemies, worries & problems • For victory over enemies. • Recite Surah Nasr daily basis 21 times (a day) it keeps away from enemies. • Reciting this surah in prayers ensures that prayers are accepted. One who recites this Surah frequently is held to the same status as…

  • Sale! Surah Falaq Taweez for removing evil spirits, jinn, saitan, and black magic

    Surah Falaq Taweez for removing evil spirits, jinn, saitan and black magic

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Falaq Taweez for removing evil spirits, jinn, saitan and black magic • Whoso recites, Surah Falaq even from early age, every night 3 times suraah al Falaq, 3 times suratul al Nas, and 100 or 50 times suraah al Ikhlas, Allah would keep him safe from every evil-eye, all ailments that afflict children, all…

  • Sale! Surah Muminun Taweez to stop the bad habit of intoxicating drink

    Surah Muminun Taweez to stop the bad habit of intoxicating drink

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Muminun Taweez to stop the bad habit of intoxicating drink   Surah Muminun Taweez to stop the bad habit of intoxicating drink & starts hating • If Surah Al Muminoon is written and kept in a garden or farm, then the plants or crops will become more fruit-bearing and green, If kept in business…

  • Sale! Surah Luqman Taweez for pains, all types of illnesses; Taweez For Cure

    Surah Luqman Taweez for pains, all types of illnesses; Taweez For Cure

    Original price was: €313.00.Current price is: €133.00.

    Surah Luqman Taweez for pains, all types of illnesses; Taweez For Cure   • Write this Surah Luqman and then put it in water to dissolve and then drink the water, this blessed water provides for a cure from all types of illnesses and pains. • If Surah Luqman is recited at night, then angels…

  • Surah Maryam Benefits, Taweez for Fear, cure from dangerous illness

    Surah Maryam Benefits, Taweez for Fear, cure from dangerous illness


    Surah Maryam Benefits, Taweez for Fear, cure from dangerous illness Surah Maryam Taweez, Powerful Quran, Healing Coded Dua, Divine Healing for cancer, Quranic Healing for cancer, Dua for cancer, Amulet for illness, Dua for Fear, Dua for women during pregnancy, Dua for protection of house. The Holy Quran (Koran) has been used as Powerful Healing,…

  • Sale! Surah Yunus Taweez, Dua for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery, Detective Talisman

    Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery

    Original price was: €229.00.Current price is: €189.00.

    Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery Surah Yunus Taweez, Dua for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery, Detective Talisman Detective Amulet, Dua for easy delivery, Surah Yunus Taweez, Dua for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery, Detective Talisman, Coded Dua. The Holy Quran (Koran) has been used as Powerful Healing, Anyone can Read Quran…

  • Surah Nisa taweez for love between husband and wife, Home Safety from every danger.

    Surah Nisa Coded Dua Taweez for love between husband and wife


    Surah Nisa Coded Dua Taweez for love between husband and wife, Home Safety from every danger. The Holy Quran (Koran) has been used as Powerful Healing, Anyone can Read Quran online, There are huge Quran quotes, The Quran has been translated into different languages’ Most read are Quran in english, Quran deutsch, Quran Bangla, Quran…

  • Surah Baqarah Benefits, taweez for Protection from any kind of Black Magic

    Surah Baqarah Benefits, taweez for Protection from any kind of Black Magic


    Surah Baqarah Benefits, taweez for Protection from any kind of Black Magic Surah Al-Baqarah protects from Black Magic or any magic. “Recite Surah Al-Baqarah, for to take recourse to it’s miles a blessing and to present it up is a reason of grief, and the magicians cannot confront it.” It protects the reciter from black…

  • Sale! Coded Dua Taweez Surah Ikhlas Benefits Virtues

    7 Surah Ikhlas Benefits Coded Dua Powerful Taweez

    Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €166.00.

    Surah Ikhlas Benefits Coded Dua Taweez (Monotheism) Number of Verses: 4 Surat ul Ikhlas , as its name indicates, is about the Unity of Allah, and His Oneness. In its four verses, the Surah describes monotheism completely. The Purity and Surah Tawheed. Consisting of four verses known as Surah Ikhlas Ayat, it is the 112th chapter…

  • Sale! Surah Fatiha Taweez is Cure for every Disease, Divine Healing, Protection Amulet

    Surah Fatiha Taweez for Health Wellness ;Coded Dua

    Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €166.00.

    Surah Fatiha Taweez Coded Dua for health Wellness Surat ul Fatiha is recited over many times a day, but do we know the Hidden secrets, Virtues of this Surah. There are 7 verses in this Surat (chapter) and it is said that this Sura is both ‘makki’ and ‘madani’ ie. it was revealed in both Makkah and Madinah. The…

  • Sale! Coded Dua Taweez Surah Nas Benefits 8 Virtues

    8 Surah Nas Benefits, Coded Dua Taweez

    Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €166.00.

    8 Surah Nas Benefits, Coded Dua Taweez In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful  (Mankind) Number of Verses: 6 Surah Nas (Arabic: سورة الناس‎, “Mankind”) is the 114th and last sura, or chapter, of the Qur’an, was revealed in Madinah and it has 6 ayat. The Holy Quran (Koran) has been used as Powerful Healing, Anyone can…

  • Sale! Coded Dua Taweez Surah Kausar Benefits 9 Virtues

    9 Surah Kausar Benefits Coded Dua Taweez

    Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €166.00.

    9 Surah Kausar Benefits Coded Dua Taweez What is the meaning of Surat al Kausar? Surahtul Kausar is the 108th chapter in the holy Quran (Shortest surat in Quran ). It falls in the 30th and last para (Juz) of the Quran. (The Abundance) Number of Verses: 3 It is known as a Meccan Sura, It is the…