Showing 76–89 of 89 resultsSorted by popularity

€134.50 Original price was: €134.50.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Barr Taweez to Rid vices like drinking alcohol, adultery, Taweez for Protection of children from calamities and evil eye. al Barr Ya Barru The Kindly and Gracious Benefactor, The Righteous, The Source of Goodness The One who is kind, gentle and ample in goodness. The One who is the doer of good, both materially…

€134.50 Original price was: €134.50.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Muntaqim Taweez for magic, it will be Nullified, Talisman for Enemy al Muntaqim, Ya Muntaqimu , Zikr of ALLAH The Avenger, The Disapprover, The Inflictor of Retribution The One who disapproves of wrongdoers. The One who reminds us when our behavior is not right. The One who is the avenger (such that we…

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al-Rauf Taweez for Wedding, Increase Love & affection from husband, Taweez for Success in getting your right from authorities or ruler

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
Dhul Jalali wal Ikram Taweez for weak memory, Persons with weak memory, intelligence will be cured. Dhul Jalali wal Ikram Zul-Jalaali-wal-Ikram Zikr of Allah Lord of Majesty and Generosity, Lord of Glory and Honor The One who is most precious, revered and honored. The One who is the glorious and majestic lord of all generosity…

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Muqsit Taweez for Success in work and fulfillment of wishes, Taweez for Relieve sorrow and grief al Muqsit, Ya Muqsitu zikr of Allah The Most Equitable, The Just The One who is most equitable and just. The One whose ways are balanced and just. The One who establishes justice. The One who creates…

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Jami Taweez for relationships, Reunite lost relationships/possessions, Taweez for Love, Get good friends and companions al Jami Ya Jaami’u al-Jāmi’ zikr of Allah The Gatherer, The Uniter, The Collector The One who reconciles and unites. The One who gathers together that which had been dispersed. The One who assembles and arranges. The One…

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Mani Taweez for Marriage proposal will be accepted, Taweez for Protection of children from evil eye al Mani Ya Maniu Zikr of Allah There are 99 names of Allah, These names of Allah are attributes and meaning of Allah Names tell us about Each Asma Ul Husna, praises to Allah. al Mani The Preventer,…

€133.00 Original price was: €133.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Nafi Taweez for love & Affection between husband and wife, Taweez for business Gains in trade/business al Nafi Ya Naafiu an-Nāfi’ The Zikr of Allah al Nafi The Creator of Good, The Benefiter, The Propitious, The Auspicious The One who helps and who grants all advantages. The One who creates all that produces benefit…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Hadi Taweez for knowledge, Receive intuitive knowledge, Taweez for Success in journey {For profitable and hassle-free travel} al Hadi Ya Haadiu al-Hādī The Zikr of Allah The Guide, The Leader, The Guide of the Right Path The One who continually shows the right way. The One who kindly guides aright. The One who sends…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Badi Taweez for success, Success Amulet, Success Talisman in every objective al Badi Ya Badiyu al-Badī’, al-Badi The zikr of allah, The Wonderful Originator, The Unprecedented and Incomparable Inventor, The Absolute Cause The marvelous One who originates, commences, invents and creates all that exists, without any model or material. The One whose incomparable will-power…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al-Warith Taweez for Victory in property lawsuit and lasting inheritance, Taweez for Remove stress, doubts and suspicion from heart al Warith al-Wārith al-Warith al Warith The Inheritor, The Supreme Heir The One who remains after all of creation has perished. The One to whom all returns. The One who has everlasting ownership of all that…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
al Baqi Taweez for wealth Lasting assets and authority, Taweez for enemies, Subjugate enemies and Opposers al Baqi, The zikr of allah, Ya Baaqi The Everlasting, The Eternal, The Ever-Enduring, The Ever-Present The One who has always existed and who will never cease to be. The One whose existence has neither beginning nor end. The…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
ar Rashid Taweez to judgement, Develop sound judgement, Taweez to Recover lost possessions, Taweez for Ease in daily tasks, ar Rashid The Director to the Right Way, The Appointer of the Right Path, The Unerring Director The One who unerringly decrees, appoints or ordains the right way. The One who is the supreme director to…

€219.00 Original price was: €219.00.€39.99Current price is: €39.99.
as Sabur Taweez to Rid from grief, sorrow due to tragedy as Sabur The Most Patient, The Patiently-Enduring The One who is most patient, steadfast, and enduring. The One who is not moved by haste to carry out any action before it’s proper time. The One who patiently endures and does everything in its proper…