Islamic Solution for OCD (Waswaas)
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Islam OCD:8 Islamic Solution for OCD (Waswaas ka ilaj)

Islam OCD: Islamic Solution for OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, irrespective of their religious beliefs. In Islam, mental health is of paramount importance, and the religion offers a holistic approach to addressing such issues. This article explores OCD from an Islamic perspective, focusing on its…


Depression and Islam Quranic Healings

Depression and Islam Quranic Healings Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri and Abu Hurairah (RA) narrate that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whenever a Muslim faces fatigue, illness, worry, grief, hurt and sorrow, even gets pricked by a thorn, Allah in lieu of his sufferings removes his sins.” (Sahih Bukhari…

Silsila of Sufism, The Sufi Chain

Silsila of Sufism, The Sufi Chain

Silsila of Sufism The Sufi Chain There are manly 4 Silsila of Sufism Silsila of Sufism Qadiriyyah: Qadiriyyah (also transliterated Kadri, Elkadry, Kadray, Qadiri or Qadri), is one of the oldest Sufi tariqas. It derives its name from Abdul-Qadir Gilani (radi Allah anhu) (also transliterated as “Jil lani” or “Jailani” and “Jilali” in the Maghreb) AH 470…

Dreams in Islam are kind of spiritual perception

Dreams in Islam In Hadith it is narrated from Hazrat Anas [r.a.u] that the Holy Prophet Muhammad [sallal laahu alaihi wasallam] said, “Glad tidings [dreams] are the forty sixth part prophecy [divining].” [ Bukhari – Muslims] In Hadith it is narrated from Hazrat Hurara [r.a.u] that the Holy Prophet Muhammad [sallal laahu alaihi wasallam] said,…

Ya Razzaq Ya Fattahu

YA RAZZAQ YA FATTAHU Powerful Zikrullah, Daily 1100 times

YA RAZZAQ YA FATTAHU  Ya razzaq Ya fattahu is a very powerful zikr/Dhikr In the realm of spirituality and faith, the concept of divine names holds immense significance. These names encapsulate the attributes and qualities of the divine, offering believers a deeper connection with the divine. One such name is al-Fattah, which carries profound implications for…

HEALING BY GEMSTONES is allowed in Islam ?

HEALING BY GEMSTONES Is it permissible to wear gemstone rings in Islam? Healing By Gemstones is allowed in Islam ? The Answer:  As narrated by Hazrat Anas, Prophet Muhammad sallal laahu  alaihi wasallam had a silver gemstone ring and its stone was Abyssinian gem. (Muslim, Libas, 61). Some scholars said the stone was cornelian. As its mine…