Islam and Masturbation; 3 Major Bad Effects of Masturbation

Islam and Masturbation; 3 Major Bad Effects of Masturbation

Islam and Masturbation; 3 Major Bad Effects of Masturbation Allah (the Supreme) says: ] And who guard their private organs. Except from their wives or the legal bondwomen that they possess, for then there is no blame upon them. So whoever desires more than these two – they are crossing the limits. [Surah Mominun 23:05-07]…

Very Easy 5 steps You can Learn Self Healing

The Power of Self Healing: Taking Control of Your Health

The Power of Self Healing: Taking Control of Your Health In this article, we will explore the power of self-healing and how taking control of your own health can help you live a healthier and happier life. Our bodies are capable of incredible feats of healing and regeneration, but often times this process is hindered…

Honey is Sunnah Prophetic Food

Honey is Sunnah the Prophetic Food 7 benefits

Honey is Sunnah the Prophetic Food 7 benefits of Honey we will discuss, in coming Articles, this is just short introduction. In a world filled with dietary trends and superfoods, it’s fascinating to discover that one of the most profound and timeless dietary recommendations comes from the Sunnah, the practices and teachings of the Prophet…

Scientists confirm that fasting Improves Health

Scientists confirm that fasting Improves Health

Scientists confirm that fasting Improves Health Fasting in the Scientific Lens Scientific studies have consistently shown that fasting can have a profound impact on various aspects of health. Below, we will discuss some of the key findings: 1. Weight Management Fasting, when done correctly, can aid in weight management. It promotes fat loss and helps…


The Science of Distant Healing, Amazing Power of Intent

The Science of Distant Healing The Science of Distant Healing is a very important Subject. There is much written about how our good intentions help others. But can your good intentions really reach someone who is not physically present, and how do we know this? In this column, I will present the current evidence that…

Devil’s Trap : Violence & Obscenity on Television

Devil’s Trap : Violence & Obscenity on Television

Devil’s Trap : Violence & Obscenity on Television Almighty Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an:O Believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Satan, and whoever follows the footsteps of Satan, then he (Satan) certainly commands to practise (and promote) immorality and sinful deeds. And if there had not been Allah’s Grace and His Mercy upon…

How Distance healing Session Works ?

How Distance healing Session Works ? The below is a very good example of Distance Healing Session, you need to experience this Distance healing session to know it.  Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world. In his program entitled “Healing Hearts/Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the Power…

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SUFI MEDITATION Benefits , Muraqaba Mindful Meditation

SUFI MEDITATION Muraqaba (مراقبة, an Arabic word meaning “to watch over”, “to take care of”, or “to keep an eye”), is the Sufi word for meditation. It implies that with meditation, a person watches over or takes care of his spiritual heart (or soul), and acquires knowledge about it, its surroundings, and its creator. This form of meditation is common amongst most…

Dua to Protect from Cancer, Dua for Illness

2 Dua to Protect from Cancer, Dua for Illness

Dua to Protect from Cancer :  ”YA MALIKU, YA QUDDUSU  YA SALAAMU” (Repeat it 21 times after every prayer and spread hand on body and face and drink water after blowing over it) Dua to Protect from Cancer:  Leukoderma, Madness, Leprosy, Diabetes, Paralysis, Blindness, Heart attack, Brain Tumour, Hearing loss, Sexual problems, Sexual diseases, Fever,…



HEALING POWER OF GEMSTONES According to folklore and stories throughout history, many gemstones are thought to offer mystic healing to its wearer. The descriptions below provide insight into these legends. There are many healing power of Gemstones. Amber Gemstone Amber – Thought to aid memory loss, purify the body, alleviate headaches, and address bone and…

Islamic Solution for OCD (Waswaas)
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Islam OCD:8 Islamic Solution for OCD (Waswaas ka ilaj)

Islam OCD: Islamic Solution for OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, irrespective of their religious beliefs. In Islam, mental health is of paramount importance, and the religion offers a holistic approach to addressing such issues. This article explores OCD from an Islamic perspective, focusing on its…

12 Prophetic Food and Their Benefits

12 Prophetic Food and Their Benefits

12 Prophetic Food and Their Benefits In Islamic tradition, certain foods are considered blessed and are believed to carry various health and spiritual benefits. These foods are often referred to as “Prophetic Foods” because they were favored by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 12 favourite foods of Rasoolullah (s.a.) (as mentioned in AL…