What is Shirk , Biggest allegation

What is Shirk ? The Biggest FALSE ACCUSATION OF SHIRK

What is Shirk ? The Biggest False Accusation  Of SHIRK On Majority Of MUSLIM UMMAH Shirk, (Arabic: “making a partner [of someone]”) meaning,associating ALLAH with other deities.The Quran calls people to accept the oneness of Allah and severely prohibits people from associating partners with His personality or attributes. Excatly What is Shirk ? Associating partner’s with ALLAH, which is a Muslim will…


Mawlid an Nabawi Sharif – Great Scholars Views

Some ignorant people say that Mawlid is Innovation from India and Pakistan, last few decades which was influenced by the Hindu Celebration culture and It was never ever celebrated before in previous ages. Let them have some glimpses of facts from the very true history. 1. After relating Abu Lahab’s relief on setting Thuwaibha free,…