Darood Tanjeena: Unlocking the Benefits of Darood Sharif

Darood Tanjeena: Unlocking the Benefits of Darood Sharif

Darood Tanjeena: Unlocking the Benefits of Darood Sharif

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. May complete Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be upon the Last Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) forever forever.

Darood Tanjeena: Unlocking the Benefits of Darood Sharif

In the realm of Islamic spirituality, the practice of sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) holds immense significance. One such supplication that carries a special place in the hearts of believers is Darood Tanjeena. In this article, we explore the essence of Darood Sharif, its unique benefits, and the powerful impact it can have on the lives of those who recite it with devotion.

Understanding Darood Sharif/durood sharif

Darood Sharif, often referred to simply as “Darood,” is a form of supplication in Islam where believers send blessings and salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a powerful expression of love, respect, and admiration for the final messenger of Allah.

The Significance of Darood Tanjeena

Among the various forms of Darood, Darood Tanjeena is particularly cherished by believers. This specific supplication is known for its ability to seek Allah’s blessings, mercy, and forgiveness. It is said that the recitation of Darood Tanjeena can lead to the fulfillment of one’s needs and desires, both in this world and the hereafter.

The Unique Benefits of Darood Sharif

  1. Spiritual Elevation: Reciting Darood Sharif elevates the spiritual status of the believer. It is a means of drawing closer to Allah and seeking His divine favor.
  2. Intercession: According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will intercede on behalf of those who send blessings upon him. By reciting Darood Sharif, believers hope to attain his intercession on the Day of Judgment.
  3. Protection and Blessings: Darood Sharif is believed to offer protection from calamities and difficulties. It is a source of divine blessings that encompass various aspects of life.
  4. Forgiveness of Sins: Seeking forgiveness for one’s sins is an integral part of Darood Sharif. Believers acknowledge their shortcomings and implore Allah for His mercy.

The Power of Intentions

When reciting Darood Tanjeena or any form of Darood Sharif, it is essential to do so with sincerity and a pure heart. The power of this supplication lies not only in the words but also in the intentions behind them. Believers should reflect on the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while sending blessings upon him.

Incorporating Darood Sharif into Daily Life

  1. Regular Recitation: Make it a habit to recite Darood Sharif daily, especially during moments of reflection and devotion.
  2. In Times of Need: When facing challenges or seeking guidance, recite Darood Sharif with the belief that the Prophet’s intercession can help overcome difficulties.
  3. Teaching Tradition: Pass down the practice of reciting Darood Sharif to younger generations, emphasizing its importance in Islamic tradition.
  4. Community Gatherings: In gatherings or gatherings of remembrance (Mehfil-e-Zikr), collectively recite Darood Sharif to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and spirituality.

A great Scholar, Saint, Jurist and Teacher, Imam Ibn-Faikihani [Rahmatullaahi ALai] says that there was once a pious man called Sheikh Moosa Zareer[[Rahmatullaahi ALai]] who was blind and had narrated his own story: “I was in a ship which was sinking. I lapsed into semi consciousness. Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) appeared to me in this state and taught me the following Durood which he said should be recited a thousand times by the passengers of the ship. The passengers had barely recited the Durood 300 times and the ship was saved (miraculously). The other ship on the high seas sank, but this ship reached its destination safely and soundly. This miracle was a sufficient eye-opener for the members of the ship.”

Darood Tanjeena should be recited a 1000 times at the time of any hardship or calamity. (Zaadus Saeed, by Hakeemul Ummah Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi[AR], Page 14). Other saints have advised to recite this Durood Shareef 70 times or 40 times during days of calamity, turmoil and troubled and InshaAllah, it will work wonders.

Darood Tanjeena: A Prayer Of Relief and All Kinds of Goodness
O Allah! Bestow blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad, our Master and his Family, such blessings by means of which Thou may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. Thou may satisfy all our needs. Thou may clean us of all evils and thanks for which Thou may grant us high position and high rank and status in Thy presence, and Thou may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world Hereafter, as Thou has the full Power over everything



This darood is free from all words of Shirk and has been highly recommended by the Scholars of Ahele Sunnah Wal Jamath. All the Saints of Allah have unanimously given verdict that Durood E Tunajjina is the best cure of all ills and all calamities of this world. Darood Tanjeena itself is a very beautiful and very powerful dua, that will address all our needs of this world and the hereafter, InsahaAllah, the following are few of its known benefits:
1. This Darood Tanjeena is the best cure of all ills/plagues/diseases and all calamities/difficulties/hardships of this world.
2. All the worldly needs and needs of hereafter will be fulfilled.
3. One will receive and will be gifted with High Status, Position and Success in both the worlds.
4. The reciter of Darood Tanjeena will be protected by Allah from all the Evils(evil men/jin, blackmagic, nazar, sickness..etc) of this world and the hereafter.
5. NO enemies or evil creatures will overpower the reciter and the reciter will be always a winner against them.
6. All the blessings and virtues of reciting darood will be bestowed upon the reciter.

Method of Recitation
1. Put on clean clothes and make wadhu[ablution] with concentration.
2. Sit is a clean place, on a prayer mat facing Qibla and recite the below.
3. Auzubillaah hi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x
4. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam – 40x
5. Make an intention or prayer for the purpose of recitation.
6. Recite DUROOD E TUNAJJINA 21x, 40x, 70x, 100x, 300x or 1000x
7. Make Dua –YA ALLAH YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN, Please fulfill all my valid needs…-3x
8. ’A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahemeen.’Ameen. Ya Rabbil ‘A-Lameen! – 3x
9. Repeat it daily till the need is fulfilled and maintain consistency daily.
10. For treating any sickness, black magic or jinn, blow 3x into bottles full of drinking water and olive oil. Use the water for drinking, spraying the house and bathing and drink one tea spoon of olive oil every morning and evening and apply some all over the body before going to bed.

Note: For stronger cases entire family or a group of people can sit together and recite for higher counts, with a common intention and for a common purpose. The blessings of jamath is highlighted in the following hadith: ‘Arfajah (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger SAW said: “Allah’s hand is over the Jama’ah and the Devil is with whoever deviates from the Jama’ah.” (Imam al-Tabarani )

Darood can mean: Darod, a Somali tribe Durood, a phrase complimenting Muhammad This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Darood

Salawat (Arabic: صَلَوَات, ṣalawāt SG salat; also referred to as divine blessings on Muhammad, durood shareef or durood-e-Ibrahim) or Durood (Persian/Urdu:

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