For now we have dedicated to Prepare a Special Taweez (Coded Dua), a very well calculated and coded By Scholar. This taweez is of the Complete Quran E Majeed.
Yes you read it right the “Complete Quran” Which has everything for us in this world and hereafter.
We rarely used to give this before, but the current situation many are affected, We decided to prepare more, but we have only Limited time to prepare this Taweez at specific times every Friday Only.
Once you keep this Taweez with Yourself, You will never lack money.

With the Blessings/Barakat of This Coded Dua of Entire Quran Enemies shall turn to friends.
This is a very Effective Quranic Coded Dua to fulfill all your wishes, it’s like what you Seek, By Blessings of this Quranic Dua you shall find it……Insha Allah Ta’ala.
Every Muslim have complete trust and Yaqeen on Allah’s Book Holy Quran, so we made this taweez which is connected to tawakkul because it requires its wearer to place their trust, reliance and hope in it.
Holy Quran is been sent as a Mercy & healing for the entire Mankind.
With this Quran taweez, you will get lots and lots of Positive energies, which will boost your life at different level, leading to a very positive outcome.
This Quran taweez is purely prepared with special blessings & after recitation for optimal result.
By The Grace of Almighty ALLAH & Pious Blessings of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam We prepared few Sets, only on best day Friday only.
The procedure for this Coded Dua is as follows
Step 1- Distance Healings – (Cleansing) Removal of Negative Energies
You have to arrange certain items ( As per Sunnah) for Distance Healing Session. Our Team will do Quranic Distance Healing on the items. Later you have to use them as per the instructions.
( What your seek for, ALLAH Ta’ala will give you)
There will be 2 types of taweez
1- Taweez to be applied on face hands, for 21 days
2- Complete Quran Taweez you have to keep with yourself (Precautions Needed) or keep at home/ office. This is a well calculated numerical values given by Scholars. Just Keep it in Neat, Clean and safe place at home or office.
With the Blessings/Barakat of This Coded Dua of Entire Quran Enemies shall turn to friends.
If husband has any issues in married life, it is Helpful for the manhood as well.
If you have any specific purpose, please inform us.
May Allah always have the choicest Grace on all.
Read ISLAMIC NAME Etiquette Of Naming New Born Babies
If you want this Quran Taweez, Naqash for any problem in life, please send contact by email- or WHATSAPP