Benefits Of Zikrullah Ya Basit Wazifa
He opens His hand and releases abundance, joy, relief, and ease. These are manifestations of His attribute al-Basit
The One who makes ample and plentiful all that is needed. The One who expands and amplifies all abundance.
The One who makes the way wide and open. The One who stretches out a helping hand to mankind. The One whose open hand releases joy, comfort and abundance.
The One who infuses the soul into body. The One who has filled the heart with spiritual abundance. The One whose glory and abundance fill and expand the heart.
From the root b-s-t which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
The term Bāsit is not specifically used as a Beautiful Name in the Qur’ān.
The term Bāsit includes a powerful and majestic sense of infusing into something a gift which will grow and flourish in great abundance.
Qābid (constrictor) and Bāsit (expander) are opposites.
The Arabic lexicon and commentary Tāj al-‘Arūs, as interpreted by E.W. Lane, says:
Qabd [Qābid] and Bast [Bāsit] are terms applied by the investigators of truth among the Sūfīs to the two contrary states of the heart, from both of which it is seldom or never free: the former being an affection of the heart withholding it from dilation and joy; whether the cause thereof be known, as the remembrance of a sin or an offense, or of an omission, or be not known…
(Also written as al-basit, al-baasit, the Unfolder, the Expander: ya basit, ya baasit)

99 names of Allah, names of Allah, meaning of Allah, Asma ul Husna, praise to Allah,
Benefits of Zikrullah Ya Basitu Wazifa :
- Lift the hands towards the heavens (as in Dua) after Salatu Dua (Chast) and say Ya Basitu Wazifa 10 times. Thereafter pass the hands across the face (as when finishing Dua) Insha-Allah, self sufficiency and independence will be granted by Allah. This must be done daily.
- After every prayer/namaz, Do the Zikrullah of ‘Ya-Basitu’ 83 times this will solve the difficulties by Allah’s will.
- Whoever makes a habit of reciting this Name Ya Basitu often receives peace of heart, is rid of stresses and problems, finds increased income, is loved and respected, and is enabled to give happiness to others.
- Whoever does the Zikrullah of Ya Basit 300 times or more, with his palms raised towards the sky and then wipes his face with his hands. By Grace of ALLAH, many doors of wealth will be opened.
Those who want Taweez, Naqash of Ya Basitu Benefits, for any problem in life, can contact by email- or WHATSAPP