Benefits of Zikrullah Ya Qabidu Wazifa

Ya Qabidu Wazifa Benefits of Zikrullah

 Ya Qabidu Wazifa Benefits of Zikrullah

The One whose wisdom causes withholding, either physically or spiritually. The One whose wisdom decides when to withhold something, or make something scarce.

The One whose wisdom may elect to withhold joy and expansion of the heart.

The One in whose hand all hearts are held. The One whose hand collects all souls at the time of death.

From the root q-b-d which has the following classical Arabic connotations:

to take in the hand, clutch, lay hold of
to grasp, grip, seize, hold firmly
to have absolute ownership of something (hold in the hand)
to give and take (hand over and take in hand), barter
to contract, shrink, draw together, collect together
to draw in (as a bird contracting a wing)
to withhold, make scanty, make scarce
to contract the heart, i.e. distress, depression, lack of joy

The name Qābid is not specifically used as a Beautiful Name in the Qur’ān.

The underlying roots of Qābid give a sense of give and take, a movement back and forth, an underlying rhythm of ebb and flow, like the rhythmical folding and unfolding of a bird’s wings in flight, or the rising and setting of the sun, or the endless cycles of life and death.

Qābid (constrictor) and Bāsit (expander) are opposites.

The Arabic lexicon and commentary Tāj al-‘Arūs, as interpreted by E.W. Lane, says:

Qabd [Qābid] and Bast [Bāsit] are terms applied by the investigators of truth among the Sūfīs to the two contrary states of the heart, from both of which it is seldom or never free: the former being an affection of the heart withholding it from dilation and joy; whether the cause thereof be known, as the remembrance of a sin or an offense, or of an omission, or be not known…

(Also written as al-qabid, al-qaabid, the Constrictor: ya qabid, ya qaabid,)

The practice of Dhikr of Allah’s name offers both spiritual and potential mental health benefits. It serves as a means of connecting with the divine, reducing stress, enhancing emotional well-being, and promoting a sense of purpose and belonging. While medical science acknowledges these potential benefits, it’s essential to recognize that Dhikr is primarily a spiritual practice deeply rooted in faith and devotion. Its impact on mental health can vary from person to person, but for many, it remains a source of solace, strength, and inner peace.

Incorporating Dhikr into one’s daily life can be a valuable tool for nurturing both spiritual and mental well-being, offering a holistic approach to a healthier, more balanced life.

Zikrullah, or the remembrance of Allah, is a central practice in Islam, encompassing the recitation of Allah’s names and attributes, Quranic verses, and supplications. This practice is believed to hold numerous spiritual, psychological, and emotional benefits:

  • 1. Spiritual Connection: Zikrullah strengthens the bond between the believer and Allah. It serves as a constant reminder of the divine presence in one’s life, fostering a deep sense of spirituality.
  • 2. Inner Peace and Tranquility: Engaging in Zikrullah helps calm the mind and alleviate stress and anxiety. The act of remembering Allah provides a profound sense of peace and tranquility.
  • 3. Strengthening Faith: Regular Zikrullah reinforces one’s faith and belief in Allah. It deepens understanding and appreciation of Allah’s attributes and the teachings of Islam.
  • 4. Self-Reflection: Zikrullah encourages self-reflection and self-awareness. It enables individuals to ponder their actions, seek forgiveness, and strive for self-improvement.
  • 5. Emotional Healing: Zikrullah can be a source of emotional healing. It offers solace during times of sadness, grief, or despair, providing comfort and hope.
  • 6. Increased Focus and Mindfulness: The repetition of Allah’s names and attributes enhances concentration and mindfulness. It helps individuals stay focused on their faith and life goals.

Benefits of Zikr (Ya Allahu) Ya Qabidu often

  1. You stay a Distance from sins
  2. You will under Protection against hunger, demons, magic and curses
  3. Ya Qabidu Zikr will help you, Avoid punishment of grave
  4. This powerful Ya Qabidu zikr, Increase in sustenance
  5. Will not feel uncomfortable due to wound, sickness or pain
  6. Best zikr to Rid from vices or bad habits 
  7. It is one of the Ism Al-Azam that bestows wondrous effects and limitless merits

Al-Qabid (The Withholder) – An Attribute of Allah

One of the attributes of Allah is “Al-Qabid,” which translates to “The Withholder” or “The Constrictor.” This attribute signifies Allah’s ability to control and restrict various aspects of existence. It is important to understand Al-Qabid in the context of divine wisdom and the greater plan that Allah has for His creation:

1. Divine Wisdom: Al-Qabid reflects Allah’s wisdom in managing the universe. It emphasizes that Allah withholds or restricts certain things for reasons that may not always be apparent to humans.
2. Tests and Trials: Allah, as Al-Qabid, may withhold certain blessings or grant them in limited measure to test the faith and patience of His believers. These tests are seen as opportunities for growth and spiritual development.
3. Trust in Allah’s Plan: Believers are encouraged to trust in Allah’s plan, even when they do not understand it fully. The attribute of Al-Qabid reminds them to have faith in Allah’s divine wisdom and timing.

Divine Healing and Spiritual Well-Being

In Islamic spirituality, the concept of Divine healing extends beyond physical ailments to include emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being:

1. Physical Healing: Believers often seek Allah’s help and healing through prayer and supplication. While medical treatment is essential, many find comfort in turning to Allah for recovery from illnesses.
2. Emotional Healing: Zikrullah and heartfelt prayers are believed to provide emotional healing. They offer solace during times of distress, grief, or mental anguish.
3. Spiritual Fulfillment: Divine healing is closely tied to spiritual fulfillment. Through sincere devotion and remembrance of Allah, individuals find inner peace, contentment, and a sense of purpose.

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