Benefits of Zikrullah Ya Bariu Wazifa

Benefits of Zikrullah Ya Bariu Wazifa

Benefits of Zikrullah Ya Bariu Wazifa

The Maker,  The Producer,  The Evolver,  The Maker from Nothing Allah of names

The Al-Bari One who creates form out of nothing. The One who creates with no model or similarity.

The One who evolves and re-creates that which exists, both physically and spiritually.

The One who sends new forms into existence.

The One who manifests that which is in perfect harmony and proportion, without blemish or fault.

From the root b-r-‘ which has the following classical Arabic connotations:

to create, to form out of nothing, to manifest
to create using pre-existing matter, evolve
to be individual, free and clear of another thing
to be free and clear of fault or blemish


This name is used in the Qur’ān. For example, see 59:24

The Qur’ān commentary of al-Baydāwi says that the primary meaning of the root b-r-‘ is to denote a thing’s becoming free and clear of another thing, either by being released or by being created.

The ancient Semitic roots point toward a manifestation or emanation which is the fruition of a great power, and which contains the potentiality of that which brought it into being.

Related names:

Bāri’ denotes the way the One works with substances, often creating from existing matter, making and evolving that which is free and clear of any other thing, free and clear of imperfections.

Badī’ denotes the One who creates in wonderful, amazingly original ways that have no precedent whatsoever, ways that are awesome innovation.

Khāliq denotes the One who continues to plan, measure out and create, and who has the power to change things from non-existing to existing.

Musawwir denotes the One who arranges forms and colors, and who is the shaper of beauty.

Mubdi’ denotes the One who starts or begins all things, or that which has precedence given to it.

(Also written as al-bari, al-baari, the Producer.)

Benefits: He who creates all things in proportion. See also the suggestions under Al-Musawwir.

Benefits Ya Bariu Wazifa

  1. If woman who have no baby. She do 7 day fast and after open fast she read 21 Times “yA BARIU yA MUSAWYRU”. She will get a baby.
  2. If some one are in any disease Or any difficult situation . Get cure is difficult and run out of all problems is impossible . These peoples should they read ““ yA BARIU JALA JLAAL “ 100 times for 7 days and pray for your purpose . With in seven days you get a cure and run out all difficulties .

Read ISLAMIC NAME Etiquette Of Naming New Born Babies

Those who want Taweez, Naqash of Ya Bariu Wazifa for any problem in life, please send contact by email- or WHATSAPP


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