Kidney Stone with Tibb-e-Nabawi

Treating Kidney Stone with Tibb-e-Nabawi

Treating Kidney Stones with Tibb-e-Nabawi

Kidney Stone with Tibb-e-Nabawi


Kidney stones are a common problem that affects millions of people each year. The incidence of kidney cyst has been increasing over the past few decades, and they are now one of the most common problems treated by urologists.

There are a number of different treatments for kidney stones, and the choice of treatment depends on the size and location of the stone, as well as the patient’s health and preferences. Islamic herbal medicine is a traditional system of medicine that is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including kidney cyst.

Islamic herbal medicine is based on the use of plants and plant extracts for the treatment and prevention of disease. The use of plants for the treatment of kidney cyst is mentioned in a number of the Hadith, which are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.

What causes kidney stones?

Kidney stones are a common, but not inevitable, health problem. Kidney stones can occur at any age and in both men and women. However, certain factors make your risk of having a kidney cyst higher than others:

  • If you have a family history of kidney cyst or other urinary tract disorders that affect the urinary system (such as diabetes)
  • If you drink too much alcohol or take certain medicines that increase the risk of forming stones

It is so strange to know that Kidney cyst are mostly found in men, while women suffer more with Gall stones.

Low fluid intake, excess of animal proteins, excess of salt, refined sugars & carbohydrates, soda drinks, foods high in Oxalates, etc. are the major causes of kidney stone formation. Furthermore, those who take Calcium pills have a high risk of developing kidney stones.

Islamic Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Kidney Stones

Expelling out the stones is so easy & simple.

First of all, stop all cooked foods. Only Barley bread is valid, taken with vegetable curries cooked in the blessed Olive Oil.

Take Henna Water at an empty stomach, & wait for 2 hours for the breakfast.

Breakfast should be Watermelon only.

And whenever you feel hungry, take the fluids such as Barley Water, Nabeez ~ Drink made with soaked Raisins, Sakanjabeen (Honey & Vinegar) and Camel’s Milk.

Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that FIGS cleanse the sand / gravel of kidneys & bladder, so take them frequently. Ibn Al Qayyam also praised Black seed (Kalonji) for kidney stones, he wrote “When the Shuneiz (Kalonji) is ground, blended with honey and drunk with some warm water, it will dissolve the stones that appear in the kidney and the prostate, and it is also a diuretic”. He also wrote for Celery seeds :

وورقُه رطباً ينفعُ المَعِدَة والكَبِدَ الباردة، ويُدِرُّ البَوْل والطَّمْث، ويُفتِّت الحصاة، وحَبّه أقوى فى ذلك، ويُهيِّج الباه، وينفعُ مِن البَخَر

Wet celery leaves helps the stomach and the cold liver, causes urine (it is a diuretic), menstrual flow, and dissolves stones. Celery seeds are more effective in this regard. Karafs stimulates semen production and relieves offensive breath.

It is our experience that Allah Has made HENNA as a special medicine for kidney stones, a famous doctor in Islamic history was Dawood Al-Antaaki who wrote in his book “Tazkirah”:

وذكر داود الأنطاكي في تذكرته أن مسحوق الحناء عظيم النفع لعلاج البثور، وماؤه مفيد في إدرار البول وتفتيت الحصى ويذهب اليرقان ويقطع الصداع ولإسقاط الأجنة.

Henna is a powerful healer for pimples & skin disorders, and Henna Water is perfect as a Diuretic & it breaks & reduces the size of kidney stones (thus expelling them out as gravel). Henna Water is favorable for Jaundice, reduces headache & prevents abortion of women who suffer with Uterine weakness.

Based on all of above, the following blend has helped many patients who passed out the stones naturally.

#HerbBotanical nameWeight (grams)
1Black seed ~ KalonjiNigella sativa Linn.100
2Dried Henna leavesLawsonia inermis200
3Celery seedsApium graveolens50
4GokhruTribulus Terrestris200

Dosage : A tablespoon at an empty stomach (with Henna Water), and wait for 2 hours for the breakfast (that should be watermelon only), and take a tablespoon after dinner. And the patient will never need the Surgery Insha’Allah.

Hijamah as 8 points on the back will help to reduce the back-pain caused by stones, & efficiency of major organs including kidneys will definitely improve Insha’Allah.

Dua For Kidney Stone

Read this Qur’anic Verse 11 times in the morning and 11 times in the evening and blow over the water and drink Inshallah patient will get cured. Before and after this wazifa read darood shareef 3 times 

wa huwal-ladhiy yursilur riyaaHa bushram bayna yaday raHmatih* Hat-taa idhaa aqal-lat saHaaban thiqaalan suqnaahu li baladim may-yitin , al-araf aayat :57

Read More – Benefits of Quran, all 114 Surahs of Holy Quran.

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