Surah Qadr Benefits, Virtues of Chapter 97 Quran
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
(The Night of Honour) Number of Verses: 5
Surah Qadr (Arabic: سورة القدر, “Power, Fate”) is the 97th sura of the Qur’an is a ‘makki’ Sura with 5 ayat. As it is understood from the name of the Sura, it refers to the revelation of the Holy Qur’an on the Night of Honour and then, it describes the importance of the night and the Blessings thereon.
The chronological order of this Sura has no significance. Among the commentators it is known as a Meccan Surah, although some hold that it was revealed in Medina; as a narration denotes that the holy Prophet (SAW) dreamed that the Ommayides were climbing his pulpit.
This was disturbing to the Prophet, to have such a dream, and he disliked it. Then, Sura Qadr was revealed to comfort him. (Therefore, some believe that the verse: “The Night of Honour is better than a thousand months” refers to the length of time that the Ommayides governed, which was about one thousand months), and we know that Mosques and pulpits were established and formed in Medina, not Mecca.
But, as it was said above, the Surat is known as Meccan and this narration may be a kind of application, not an occasion of revelation.
Allah SWT has said in the Quran that Surah Qadr is one of the greatest Surahs. This means that there is immense power and benefit in reciting this Surah. Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Qadr include:
- Receiving forgiveness and mercy from Allah SWT
- Being saved from the punishment of Allah SWT
- Having one’s sins pardoned
- Having one’s du’as answered
- Experiencing tranquility, peace, and calmness in one’s heart
- Being protected from Shaytan
- Experiencing a sense of spiritual joy and happiness
- Having one’s heart illuminated
What Is Surah Qadr?
Surah Qadr is one of the most powerful chapters in the Quran. It’s a chapter that holds a lot of healing energy and is known for its blessings and rewards.
Surah Qadr is a chapter that is believed to have been written down on the night of Power- the night that Allah chose to send down the Quran. This night is also known as Laylatul Qadr or the Night of Decree. It is said that this is the night that Allah decides the fate of all people.
Because of its power and significance, Surah Qadr is often read or recited during times of difficulty or hardship. It’s a way of seeking Allah’s help and support during difficult times.
What Does the Quran Say About Healing?
The Quran is a powerful source of healing. It has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, while promoting positive thinking. But, what does the Quran specifically have to say about healing?
Surah Qadr (القدر) is one of the most amazing Surahs in the Quran because it emphasizes how Allah has already decided our fate and how we must prepare for it. The beauty of Surah Qadr is that it helps us appreciate life and everything in it, by reflecting on all the ways Allah has blessed us. While we should accept what Allah has determined for us, we should also use its guidance to heal from any difficulties or suffering that come our way.
Throughout Surah Qadr, Allah reminds us that He is with us always and that He is the one who gives us strength to overcome any situation. It encourages us to ask Him for help and rely on Him during times of trial or tribulation. It’s a reminder that if we seek out His help, He will provide it—not just in our time of need but also in our everyday life.
The Benefits of Reciting Surah Qadr
The blessed night of Qadr is unparalleled in terms of the blessings and benefits that are bestowed upon those who take advantage of it. The power of this night is immense and there are countless rewards to be reaped by reciting Surah Qadr.
Some of the many benefits of reciting Surah Qadr include:
- Receiving Allah’s forgiveness and mercy
- Having all one’s sins forgiven
- Being saved from the punishment of the grave
- Being saved from the Hellfire
- The ability to quickly achieve forgiveness for one’s sins
- The ability to have one’s duas (supplications) accepted
- Protection from Shaytan (Satan) and his evil deeds
How to Recite Surah Qadr
The power of healing is found within the Quran, specifically Surah Qadr. This surah is one that is known for its blessings and healing properties. If you are feeling down or sick, recite Surah Qadr and you will begin to feel better.
The best time to recite this surah is at night, as it is revealed in the Quran that this is when Allah blesses it the most. However, if you are not able to recite it at night, then any time during the day will be fine.
Reciting Surah Qadr is a simple way to bring healing into your life.
7 Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Surah Qadr
The recitation of Surah Qadr has been known to bring many physical and mental health benefits to those who listen and practice it. Here are just 7 of the amazing benefits that you can enjoy when you recite this beautiful Surah.
- Improved mental health as it reduces stress levels
- Improved physical well-being due to its antioxidant properties
- Reduced anxiety and depression
- Improved memory due to the increase in brain activity
- Increased willpower and determination
- Enhanced energy levels
- Increased focus, concentration, and clarity of thought
Whether you are a believer or not, the recital of this beautiful surah brings many positive physical and mental health benefits that can help improve your life in more ways than one!
Read More Benefits of Surah Fatiha
Surah Qadr Benefits
The Surah Qadr Benefits are many , few are given below
- On the virtue of studying this Surah, there is a narration from Our Beloved Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam which says: “He who recites it (Surah Qadr) will be rewarded like the one who has fasted the whole month of Ramadan and has kept vigil the night of Qadr, (the Night of Honour).
- Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that for pious children, one should keep his right hand on his wife and recite this Surah 7 times before going into her. If recited seven times on the grave of a believer, his sins will be forgiven.
- Imam Mohammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this Surah with a loud voice, it is as if he has lifted his sword to fight in the way of Allah (S.w.T.) and whoever recites it slowly in his mind, it is as if he has been sacrificed in the way of Allah and has died a martyr.
- Another narration from Imam Baqir (as) says: “He who recites Surah Qadr loudly and openly like a person who fights in the Holy War on the path of Allah and he who recites it hiddenly like a person who swims in his own blood for the sake of Allah”.
- It is obvious that these rewards are for he/she who recites the Surah and comprehends its real meaning, or they are for he who studies it, understands it and acts accordingly with regard to the Qur’an, and in his life obeys its verses.
- If a person recites this Surah ten times, one thousand sins of his are forgiven. If recited in compulsory prayers, all previous sins are forgiven. It is narrated from Our Beloved Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam that reciting this Surah once carries the reward of fasting for the whole month of Ramadhan. Constant recitation of this Surah, increases sustenance.
- If Surah Qadr is recited 11 times before sleeping, the reciter remains safe the whole night.
- Recitation in front of an enemy keeps one safe from his evil designs. For the paying back of loans, one should seek forgiveness and should recite Surah Qadr as many times as possible.
- Whoso recites this surah in loud voice is like him who fights in the cause of Allah, and whoso recites it in slow voice is like him who has shed his blood in the cause of Allah;
- whoso recites this surah ten times in a single sitting his ten thousand sins would be forgiven.
- To remain safe from dehydration take a new earthen utensil, fill it with clean water, recite this surah 30 times over it, then drink it; and also use it for wuzu.
- Whoso recites this surah in his obligatory salats Allah would appoint an announcer who would announce: “O servant of Allah, all your past sins have been forgiven, now live like a pious Muslims.”
- Whoso recites this surah, his reward would be equal to that man who fasts for the whole month of Ramzan; and whoso recites it in the night of Qadr (laylatul qadr) is like him who fights in the cause of Allah; and if this surah is recited on the door a godown or a storehouse or a safe, the goods in it or belongings in the safe would remain under Allah’s protection, and save the owner no one would be able to take out anything from it.
- Whoso recites this surah, he, alongwith his friends and helpers, would be the favourites of Allah on the day of judgement.
- If this surah is written on a new and clean utensil and a person afflicted with facial paralysis continuously looks on it, Allah would free him from the paralysis.
- Whoso recites this surah 15 times after the Isha salat, would remain in Allah’s protection till the next night, and if he recites 7 times every night, Allah would protect him till daybreak.
- Whoso recites this surah over his gold, silver and jewelry Allah would increase his belongings and all his valuables would remain safe from theft and damage. The same would happen if this surah is recited over water and with it these valuables are washed and cleaned.
Tips on Reading From the Quran for Healing and Balance
To reap the spiritual healing benefits of Surah Qadr in the Quran, it’s important to read it as often as possible. Here are some tips to make the most out of every reading:
- Read with a sincere heart: This type of reading will help you focus more on the spirituality and connect with Allah more deeply.
- Clear your mind of distractions: Set aside some time to really focus on understanding and feeling the message behind each verse.
- Read out loud: Sound has the power to open up new connections between your mind and spirit. As you read, listen attentively and repeat what you’re reading as if you’re chanting a prayer.
- Take your time: As you delve deeper into Surah Qadr, don’t rush through it. Spend some extra time reflecting on each phrase and allow yourself to truly appreciate its deeper meaning.
- Follow a guided meditation process: To get the most out of each reading, follow a five-minute meditation process after each session. Start by inhaling deeply 3 times, followed by a prayer for healing and balance, then closing with a few moments of complete stillness.
The message of Surah Qadr is that Allah is in control of everything. He has knowledge of the past, present, and future. He has power over all things and He is the Most Merciful. Surah Qadr is a reminder that Allah is always in control and that we should put our trust in Him.
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