Surah Falaq Benefits

Surah Falaq Benefits (Chapter 113) Healing Body, Mind & Soul

Virtues of Surah Falaq Benefits (Chapter 113)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 

(The Daybreak) Number of Verses: 5

This is a ‘madani’ Surah and it has 5 ayaat.

The Surah contains some divine teaching commands to the holy Prophet (S), in particular, and to all Muslims, in general, to seek refuge with Allah from every kind of ill arising from outer nature, dark and evil plotting and envy on the part of others.

On the occasion of revelation of this Surah, there are some narrations cited in most of the commentary books to the effect that the holy Prophet (S) was affected by some magic incantations, practiced by a few Jews, and became sick. Gabriel came down and indicated the place of the magic paraphernalia, which were hidden at the bottom of a well, by the Jews. They were taken out of the well and then, these verses were recited and the physical condition of the Prophet (S) improved.

But, the late Tabarsi and some other researchers reject these kind of narrations whose reference is limited to only Ibn-i-Abbas and ‘Ayishah, because:

Firstly, the Surah is popularly known as Meccan, and the tone of the verses are also similar to Meccan Suras, while the problems which the holy Prophet (S) had, with the Jews, occured mostly in Medina, which is, itself, a testimony that these kinds of narrations are not correct.

Secondly, if the holy Prophet (S) could, so easily, be affected by the witchcraft of sorcerers, so much so, that he became sick and stayed in bed, it would have, also, been easy to stop him from reaching his great goal. Surely the Providence, Who had sent him for such a great and important mission, the Prophecy, protected him against the witchcraft of sorcerers.

Thirdly, if sorcery is to have had an effect on the body of the holy Prophet (S), then, people might imagine that witchcraft could affect his holy soul, too, and his thoughts would be subject to the witchcraft of sorcerers, so, this idea would destroy the principle of confidence in the holy Prophet (S).

The Holy Qur’an opposes the idea that the Prophet (S) was bewitched:

“Or (why) has not a treasure been bestowed on him, or why has he (not) a garden for enjoyment? The wicked say: ‘Ye follow none other than a man bewitched’”.

“See what kind of comparisons they make for thee! But they have gone astray, and never a way will they he able to find!”

Here,‘bewitched’, whether mentally or bodily, is a witness to our objective point. However, with these very doubtful narrations, in regard to understanding the meaning of the verses, the sanctity of the position of the Prophet (S) cannot be questioned.

How to recite Surah Falaq?

Surah Falaq is the 113th chapter of the Holy Quran and is one of the most important surahs in the entire Quran. It is often referred to as “the Lord of the Dawn” and is said to provide protection and bring blessings. Reciting Surah Falaq can provide a wide range of benefits to its reciter, such as mental and spiritual healing, purification of heart, relief from worry and fear, protection from evil, and more. Here’s how to recite it:
1. Start by saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful).
2. Begin reciting Surah Falaq, which starts with: “Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the daybreak”
3. As you recite the verses, try to focus on the meaning of each line and ponder over the words.
4. After finishing each verse, pause for a few moments and thank Allah for the blessings.
5. End with saying “Ameen” (May God grant us His Mercy)
By regularly reciting Surah Falaq, you can reap its many benefits. You will feel spiritually uplifted and blessed, purified of any negative energies, protected from evil influences and relieved from worry and fear. The blessings of Surah Falaq are truly invaluable for its reciters and make it well worth a daily practice!
What are Benefits of Reciting Surah Falaq ?
The Surah Falaq Benefits for Healing Body, Mind & Soul are a powerful tool of Quran Healing. Through reciting the 113th chapter of the Qur’an, Surah Falaq, we can experience physical, mental and spiritual healing. This ancient practice of healing, prescribed in the Qur’an, has been used by Muslims around the world for centuries and is a testament to its effectiveness and validity. In this blog post, we will explore the various benefits of reciting Surah Falaq and how it can be used to improve your overall wellbeing.
The Benefits of Surah Falaq are truly remarkable and offer an individual the opportunity to achieve inner peace, joy and better overall health. This chapter of the Holy Quran is known to bring inner strength, courage and focus to those who recite it regularly.
One of the Benefits of Surah Falaq is that it is believed to heal physical illnesses and restore good health. It is said that reciting Surah Falaq can lead to physical healing, such as relief from headaches, joint pain and other aches and pains. It has also been found to be beneficial in improving overall mental health and reducing anxiety levels.
Another one of the Benefits of Surah Falaq is that it provides protection from evil spirits and helps individuals to remain in a safe and secure environment. It is believed to help protect individuals from any kind of harm, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. This chapter is also believed to provide divine protection from negative energies and evil forces.
The Benefits of Surah Falaq are also said to provide spiritual guidance and support. Reciting this chapter of the Holy Quran can help open up channels of communication between you and Allah (SWT). Additionally, it can bring clarity, understanding and peace of mind when facing difficult situations or decisions.
Finally, one of the most powerful Benefits of Surah Falaq is that it can provide inner strength, courage and focus. By reciting this chapter daily, individuals can find the strength and confidence to make positive changes in their life, to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
Overall, the Benefits of Surah Falaq are numerous and offer individuals the opportunity to experience peace, joy and better health on both physical and spiritual levels.

Surah Falaq Benefits : There are many Surah Falaq benefits, few given below 

  1. On the virtue of this Surah, the holy Prophet (S) is narrated to have said: “Some verses have been revealed to me, the likes of which have not been revealed before; Surah Falaq and Surah Nas”.
  2. Another tradition from Imam Baqir (as) denotes: “He who recites Surah Falaq, Nas, and Ikhlas, in his ‘Watr (odd number rak’at) prayer’, will be told,
  3. ‘O servant of Allah, he happy that Allah accepted your ‘Watr prayer’ “.
  4. Another narration says that the holy Prophet (S) asked one of his companions whether or not he wished to be taught two Suras which were the best Suras of the Qur’an and he answered:
  5. “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”; then, the Prophet (S) taught him Surah Falaq and Nas, then, he (S) recited both of them in the morning prayer and told the man:
  6. “Read them whenever you get up and whenever you go to bed.” It is clear that these virtues are for the person who harmonizes his own soul, mind, belief and actions with the content of the Surah.
  7. 1) If Recited in wajib salaah in Ramadhan, it is as though one has fasted in Makkah and sawab of hajj.
  8. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that in the prayer of Shafa’a (in Salaatul-layl) one should recite Surah al-Falaq in the first rak’aat and an-Naas in the second.
  9. Whoso recites, even from early age, every night 3 times surah al Falaq, 3 times surah al Nas, and 100 or 50 times surah al Ikhlas, Allah would keep him safe from every evil-eye, all ailments that afflict children, all stomach ailments, low and high blood pressure; and so long as he keeps reciting like this he would remain safe from diseases till he dies.
  10. According to the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt it is better to recite surah al Falaq and surah al Ikhlas in the rak-at of witr, in tahajjud.

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