Virtues of Surah Alaq Benefits (Chapter 96)

Virtues of Surah Alaq Benefits (Chapter 96)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 

Virtues of Surah Alaq Benefits (Chapter 96)

(The Clot) Number of Verses: 19

Surah Alaq (Arabic: سورة العلق‎, “The Clot” or “ the clinging thing” ), is the 96th Sura or chapter of the Qur’an. It is composed of 19 ayat (verses or “signs”), and is traditionally believed to have been the first revelation to Our Beloved Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam in Mecca at cave Hira located at the Mountain Jabal al-Nour.

It is traditionally understood that first five ayats (1-5) of Surah Alaq where revealed, however this is not the first fully complete Sura to be revealed and was actually revealed in 3 parts.

It is sometimes also known as Sūrat Iqrā (سورة إقرا, “Read”).The contents of the Surah also confirm this idea. Some have said that the first Surah is Surah Fatihah, or perhaps Surah Muddaththir, but again this is contrary to what is commonly thought.

First, this Sura addresses the Our Beloved Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam and commands him to read or proclaim (the Message).

Then, it refers to the creation of Man out of a mere clot.

Further, it refers to the development of Man, who is taught from the bounty and by the Grace of Allah; the soul in him reaching out to knowledge sublime, and the instrument of it, the sanctified Pen.

Thereafter, it speaks about ungrateful Man, and that despite all the blessings and graciousness that Allah bestows on him, he rebels.

Following this, it points to the painful chastisement of those who cause a hindrance on the road to guidance and righteous deeds.

Then, the Surah ends with a command to prostration, and of drawing closer to Allah.

What are the lessons in Surah Alaq Benefits ?

The surah is full of meaningful lessons, and understanding its significance can be a great way to learn more about Islam. To start, you can begin by exploring the history of Surah Alaq, including when and where it was revealed. Additionally, you can look into the implications of the first word of the surah – “Iqra” – and the importance of reciting the Quran. You can also discuss the various benefits of reciting Surah Alaq benefits, such as increased knowledge, intelligence, memory, and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Additionally, you can explore how Surah Alaq helps to spread the message of the Quran, and how it has been used to preserve the Word of God.

What are the virtues and benefits of Surah Alaq ?

The virtues and benefits of Surah Alaq (Chapter 96 of the Holy Quran) are numerous. Firstly, it is the first chapter of the Quran to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a sign of Allah’s mercy and kindness upon His Prophet.

Additionally, it is a source of guidance and a reminder to humanity that Allah is the Creator of all and that man should strive to be conscious of His presence. This chapter encourages mankind to seek knowledge, to ponder upon the world and to learn lessons from the past. It also emphasizes the importance of being truthful and honest in all matters. This chapter also encourages us to pay our debts and to strengthen our relationships with others. Moreover, it warns us of the consequences of oppression and encourages us to be just and merciful. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder to all of us that Allah is the Most Generous and will reward us for our good deeds.

Read More Benefits of Surah Fatiha

Surah Alaq Benefits :

  1. On the benefits of reciting Surah Alaq, it is narreted from Our Beloved Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (Radi allahu tala anhu) who said:“He who recites Surah ‘Alaq on a day or a night and passes away on the same day or night, at the time of the Day of Judgment, he will be considered as a martyr and Allah will raise him to life again as a martyr and He will resurrect him as one who has fought the holy war, on the way of Allah, in the presence of the Our Beloved Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam.
  2. It is highly recommended to recite this Surah going on a journey/travelling ahe would inshallah remain safe from calamities, hardships and worries during the journey. And if travelling on a ship Allah would not let him drown if such a situation develops on the sea or river.
  3. Those who recites this surah would inshallah receive the reward given for reciting the whole Quran, and given to a warrior who fights in the cause of Allah. If recited on a treasure, it remains safe.
  4. Whoso recites this surah over his storehouse or godown Allah would keep it safe from every kind of calamity, theft and pilferage; and if it is a treasure or safe his wealth and belonging would remain safe in it.
  5. Whoso recite gets the thawab of shaheed.

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Quran is healing for everyone ?

Yes, it is true that the Quran is a source of healing for everyone. It contains verses which speak of the miracles of Allah and His power in this great universe and tells us of the origins of human beings. There are six verses that address healing and are referred to as Ayat Ash-Shifa or the Quranic Verses of Healing. The words and recitation of Quran can cure hearts and minds, as well as overcome illness and injury, however complete trust in God does not replace traditional medical treatments.

The Qur’aan is the complete healing power for all mental, spiritual and physical diseases, all diseases of this world and the Hereafter. It has prohibited all that leads to destruction and commanded all that leads to goodness and perfection. The Quran is a healing for believers and Allah says it is a healing for what is in the chest. In addition, it has been proven that reading and reciting the Quran has a calming and healing effect and can cure physical and spiritual ailments.

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