29 Muslim Girls Names With G And Meaning

Muslim Girls Names With G And Meaning

NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET G PERSONALITY— You are fastidious, seeking perfection within yourself and your lover. 29 Muslim Girls Names With G And Meaning

You respond to a lover who is your intellectual equal or superior, and one who can enhance your status. 

You are sensuous and know how to reach the peak of stimulation, because you work at it meticulously. 

You can be extremely active-never tiring out. Your duties and responsibilities take precedence over everything else. 

You may have difficulty getting emotionally close to people.

Muslim Girls Names With G and meanings are given below

1: Ghaaniyah

Ghaniyah is an Arabic name for girl that means “beautiful”.

2: Ghadaat

Ghadaat is an Arabic name for girl that means “to leave between dawn and sunrise”, to leave home early, for example for work.

3: Ghaddaa

Ghaddaa is an Arabic name for girl that means “one who leaves between dawn and sunrise”.

4: Ghadiya

Ghadiya is an Arabic name for girl that means “early riser”, one who gets up early in the morning. It also means “early morning rain clouds”, and “early morning rain”.

5: Ghaffara

Ghaffara is an Arabic name for girl that means “very forgiving”.

6: Ghafira

Ghafira is an Arabic name for boys that means “forgiver”, “pardoner”.

Muslim Girls Names With G

7: Ghaisat

Ghaisat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Ghaisah which means “rain”, especially a good rain that brings life to dry land.

8: Ghalia

Ghalia is an Arabic name for girl that means “dear”, “respected”, “highly regarded”.

9: Ghaliaa

Ghaliaa is an Arabic name for girl that means “precious”, “valuable”.

10: Ghaliba

Ghaliba is an Arabic name for girl that means “victor”, a person who wins a fight or competition.

11: Ghania

Ghania is an indirect Quranic name for girl that means “rich”, “prosperous” , “self-sufficient”, “needless”. It is derived from the GH-N-A Quranic root.

12: Gharam

Gharam is an Arabic name for boys and girl that means “infatuation”, “love”, “devotion”.

13: Ghawani

Ghawani is an Arabic name for girl that means “beautiful”, “needless”.

14: Ghayat

Ghayat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Ghayah which means “end goal”, “aim”. It is used for boys and girls.

15: Ghaysaa

Ghaysaa is an Arabic name for girl that means “a land where rain has recently fallen”, especially an area that had a strong need for rain.

16: Ghaysah

Ghaysah is an Arabic name or girl that means “rain”, especially a rain that brings good and rescues a dry land.

17: Ghazaal

Ghazaal is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means young gazelle, female gazelle, and gazelles in general. It is the source for the English word gazelle.

18: Ghazal

Ghazal (not to be confused with Ghazaal) is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means love poem, or any poetry expressing strong emotion.

19: Ghazalaat

Ghazalaat is an Arabic name for girls that means “gazelles”. It is the plural of Ghazalah. It also means “the sun at the time of its rising”.

20: Ghazalah

Ghazalah is an Arabic name for girls that means “female gazelle”. It also means “the sun when it has just come up” and “the time soon after sunrise”

21: Ghazia

Ghazia is an Arabic name for girls that means “warrior”, “fighter”.

22: Ghazulah

Ghazulah is an Arabic name for girls that means “spindle”, a handheld tool that women use to spin yarn (to make threads out of wool and other materials).

23: Ghizlan

Ghizlan is an Arabic name for girls that means “gazelles”. It is the plural of Ghazaal.

24: Ghudwah

Ghudwah is an Arabic name for girls that means “early morning”, the time between dawn and sunrise.

25: Ghufrah

Ghufrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “female baby mountain goat”.

26: Ghufran

Ghufran is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “forgiveness”, “pardon”.

27: Ghuraibah

Ghuraibah is an Arabic name for girls that means “gold”, “silver”.

28: Ghurrah

Ghurrah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “moonrise” (when the moon comes up). It also means “chief”, “leader”.

29: Golnisa

Golnisa is a Persian name for girls that means “flower among women”, thus meaning “the most beautiful woman among women”.

Muslim Girls Names With G

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Read More – Muslim Girl Names with M


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