Top 100 Muslim Girl Names With T
Muslim Girl Names With T
NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET T AND THEIR PERSONALITY — You are very sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. You like someone who takes the lead. Music, soft lights & romantic thoughts turn you on.
You fantasize & tend to fall in & out of love soon. When in love you are romantic, idealistic & mushy. You enjoy having your senses & your feelings stimulated, titillated & teased.
You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own head. Once you put your mind to something you manage to stand by it and see your dreams through.
You aren’t very good at expressing your feelings. You like things your own way. You do not like change; you like to hold on to things.
This may not always be good because if given an opportunity things may develop into great things. You work your way to the top.
Attention must be given to what others say because even though you don’t want to hear it their advice may turn ! out to save your life.
Muslim Girl Names With T
1. Taabah :
Sweet, Agreeable, Pure, Excellent
2. Taadeel
Moderation, equality
3. Taahira
Pure, Chaste
4. Taahirah
5. Taaiba
6. Taaibah
One who refrains from evil-doings, repentant.
7. Taalah
Young palm tree
8. Taalea
9. Taaliah
Lucky, fortunate, fortune
10. Taalluf
Harmony, Intimacy, Mutual Affection
11. Taaqul
Wise thought.
12. Taara
Most brilliant star
13. Taasees
Inception, foundation.
14. Taba
15. Tabahhuj
Be glad, Cheerful
16. Tabahhur
Like the river, Profoundly learned, Deep
17. Tabalah
She was a narrator of Hadith
18. Taban
Glittering, splendid.
19. Tabana
Bright moonlight.
20. Tabani
21. Tabassum
22. Tabasumm
Sweet smile
23. Tabeedah
Complex, zigzag, curling.
24. Tabeen
25. Tabeer
Result of deeds.
26. Tabina
Enlighting, sparkling.
27. Tabinda
Bright, shining
28. Tafida
Paradise egyptian name
29. Taghrid
Singing as a bird
30. Tahani
Muslim Girl Names With T
31. Tahera
Pure, chaste
32. Tahira
Holy, Pure
33. Tahirah
34. Tahirah
Pure, chaste
35. Tahiya
Greeting, salutation, cheer
36. Tahiyah
37. Tahiyat
38. Tahiyyah
39. Tahkeem
Power, rule.
40. Tahleem
Beauty, decoration
41. Tahmina
Wife of famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab.
42. Tahniat
43. Tahreem
Respectful, honorable
44. Tahseen
Adornment, ornament
45. Tahseenah
46. Taiba
One who refrains from evil-doings, repentant, fem. of Taib.
47. Taibah
48. Taif
Vision, spectre.
49. Taima
Oasis in Northwest Arabia.
50. Taisir
51. Tajmeel
Beautifully, decoration, beauty.
52. Tajweed
Praise of Allah.
53. Takiyah
Pious, righteous
54. Takreem
Respect, honour.
55. Talah
Young palm tree.
56. Talat
Face, Sight
57. Talbashah
Name of narrator of Hadith
58. Talhah
Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith.
59. Tali
Rising star, rising.
60. Talia
Dew Of Heaven.
Muslim Girl Names With T
61. Taliba
Student, seeker, pursuer
62. Talibah
Seeker after knowledge
63. Talwasa
As in may you always live.
64. Tamadhur
Proper name
65. Tamador
milk, praises
66. Tamadur
67. Tamanna
To wish, to desire, to hope.
68. Tamanni
69. Tamar
70. Tamara
Date tree
71. Tamazur
Brilliant, whiteness.
72. Tameemah
Name of a poetess
73. Tameemiya
74. Tameen
Protection, patronage, care.
75. Tameez
Distinction, difference
76. Tameka
77. Tamkeen
Honour, place, status, show.
78. Tamra
Date Palm, Palm Tree
79. Tamseel
Example, allegory, parable.
80. Tanaz
81. Tanisha
82. Tanjia
Rescue, salvation
83. Tanveer
Rays Of Light(Origin Islamic)
84. Tanweer
Radiant, Illuminating
85. Tanzeela
86. Tanzila
Sent down
87. Taqadus
88. Taqdees
Holiness, The purity
89. Taqiya
God-fearing, devout, pious
90. Taqiyah
Heedful of God
91. Taqwa
Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God
92. Taqwaa
Piety, heedfulness, devoutness of God
93. Taqwaa
Piety, devoutness
94. Tara
95. Taraab
Joy & sorrow.
96. Tarana
Melody, Song
97. Tarannum
98. Tareefa
Rare, Strange, Curious
99. Tarfa
Kind Of Tree
100. Tarib
Lively, gleeful, merry.
Muslim Girl Names With T

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