92 Best Muslim Boy Names Starting With T, Powerful
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET T AND THEIR PERSONALITY — You are very sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. You like someone who takes the lead. Music, soft lights & romantic thoughts turn you on.
You fantasize & tend to fall in & out of love soon. When in love you are romantic, idealistic & mushy. You enjoy having your senses & your feelings stimulated, titillated & teased.
You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own head. Once you put your mind to something you manage to stand by it and see your dreams through.
You aren’t very good at expressing your feelings. You like things your own way. You do not like change; you like to hold on to things.
This may not always be good because if given an opportunity things may develop into great things. You work your way to the top.
Attention must be given to what others say because even though you don’t want to hear it their advice may turn ! out to save your life.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T are given below
1: Taal
Taal is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “come!”. It also means “he/she ascended” (his/her status and rank increased).
2: Taaliq
Taaliq is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to comment on something”, literally meaning “to hang something on something”.
3: Taariq
Tariq means “night visitor” or “star”, since stars appear at night. After the discovery of pulsars.
4: Taazaz
Taazaz is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “might”, “honor”, “power”.
5: Tabarak
Tabarak is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “he/she is blessed”.
6: Tabarruk
Tabarruk is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to become blessed”, “to be raised in status”.
7: Tabseer
Tabseer is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “enlightenment”, “education”, “to give insight”.
8: Tadbir
Tadbir is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to organize”, “to procure”, “to arrange”, “to contrive”, “to devise”, “to work out”.
9: Tadris
Tadris is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to study”, “to research”, “to look into”.
10: Tafaf
Tafaf is a Aarabic name for boys that means “sundown”, the time before sunset.
11: Tafali
Tafali is an Arabic name for boys that is an attribution to Tafal, which means “sundown” (the time before sunset). It also means “sunup”.
12: Tafheem
Tafheem is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “to help someone understand something”, “to make a topic clear”, “to elaborate”, “to illustrate”.
13: Tafli
Tafli is an Arabic name for boys and girls means “soft and delicate”, “gentle”.
14: Taghlib
Taghlib is an Arabic name for boys that means “they win”, “they triumph”, “they defeat their enemies”.
15: Taha
Taha is a direct Quranic name for boys. It is the name of chapter 20 of the Quran and is also the word that the chapter starts with.
16: Tahani
Tahani is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “congratulations”, to congratulate someone for something good that has happened to them.
17: Tahir
Tahir is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “pure”, “free from dirt”, “clean”, “free from sin”. It is derived from the T16-H26-R root.
18: Tahmeed
Tahmeed is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means to praise, glorify, and thank Allah. It comes from the H6-M-D root.
19: Tahrir
Tahrir is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “liberation”, “to free someone/something”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
20: Tahsin
Tahsin is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “to improve”, “to beautify”, “to excel”, “to do good deeds”. It is derived from the H6-S-N root.
21: Taib
Taib is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who always repents to Allah”. It is derived from the T-W-B root which is used in many places in the Quran.
22: Taif
Taif is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “one who circumambulates around the Kaaba” (one who performs Tawaf), “visitation”. It is used twice in the Quran.
23: Taihan
Taihan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “so vast that you can get lost in it”. Taihan is derived from the T-Y-H26 root which is used in verse 5:26 of the Quran
24: Tajammul
Tajammul is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “beautification” (i.e. “something used to beatify something”). It is derived from the J-M-L root which is used in the Quran.
25: Takleef
Takleef is an Arabic name for boys that means “to give someone an assignment/burden/task/duty”.
26: Takreem
Arabic for “to honor”, “to respect”, “to treat with grace”.
27: Talaab
Talaab is an Arabic name for boys that means “sought after”, “desired”.
28: Talaat
Talaat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Talaah which means “countenance”, “aspect”, “face”. It is used for girls.
29: Talab
Talab is an Arabic name for boys that means “seeker”, especially “one who seeks knowledge and learning”. It also means “demand”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
30: Talal
Talal is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who puts a layer of dye or varnish on something”, “one who coats something with something”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
31: Talha
Talha is an Arabic name for boys that refers to a type of tree, often considered to be a banana tree. While Talha is not mentioned in the Quran.
32: Talib
Talib is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “seeker”, as in “one who seeks knowledge”.
33: Talibullah
Talibullah is an Arabic name for boys that means “seeker of God”, a person who seeks God’s pleasure and approval.
34: Tamanna
Arabic for “wish”, “hope”.
35: Tamassuk
Tamassuk is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “adherence”, “hanging on”, “keeping close to”.
36: Tamasul
Tamasul or Tamathul is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “similarity”, “alikeness”.
37: Tamheed
Tamheed is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to facilitate”, “to make easy”, “to prepare”, “to put in order. It is used in the Quran in verse 74:14.
38: Tami
Tami is an Arabic name for boys that means “high”, “exalted”, “elevated”, “high in status and rank”.
39: Tamir
Tamir is an Arabic name for boys that means “date merchant”, “date trader”, literally meaning “possessor of dates”.
40: Tammam
Tammam is an Arabic name for boys that means “whole”, “complete”, “flawless”.
41: Tammar
Tammar is an Arabic name for boys that means “date merchant”, “seller of dates”.
42: Tamur
Tamur is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “lion’s den or lair”, “heart”, “saffron”, “minister or secretary of a king”, “self”, and “mind”.
43: Taneem
Taneem is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “to be blessed”, “to be given blessings”. It is derived from the N-AIN-M root.
44: Taqadum
Taqadum is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “progress”, “advance”, “increase in rank and status”.
45: Taqi
Taqi is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “God-conscious”, “God-fearing” which is used in many places in the Quran.
46: Tarashud
Tarashud is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “guidance”.
47: Tareef
Tareef is an Arabic name for boys that means “exquisite”, “rare”, “unique”, “quaint”.
48: Tarheeb
Tarheeb is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to welcome”. It also means “spaciousness”, “vastness”.
49: Tarooq
Tarooq is an Arabic name for boys that means “star”. It also means “one who knocks on a door”.
50: Tasafi
Tasafi is an Arabic name for boys that means “sincerity”, “loyalty”, “fealty”.
51: Tasahir
Tasahir is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “vigils”, plural of Tasheerah (“vigil”).
52: Taseen
Taseen is a Quranic name for boys. Chapter 27 of the Quran (known as Surat an-Naml) begins with Taseen.
53: Taskeen
Taskeen is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “serenity”, “tranquility”.
54: Tasmir
Tasmir is an Arabic name for boys that means “to invest”, “to turn into a profit”. It can also mean “to blossom”, “to bear fruit”.
55: Tasneem
Name of a fountain in Paradise. The name’s literal meaning is “water that falls down from a high place”, such as water that falls down from a waterfall.
56: Tasteer
Tasteer is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to write”, “to author”, “to draw”.
57: Tasweer
Tasweer is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to picture”, “to describe”. It also means “to paint”.
58: Tatheer
Tatheer (pronounced as Tat-heer) is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “cleansing”, “purification”. This word is used in the Quran in verse 33:33.
59: Tawab
Tawab or Tawaab is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who repents”, “one who is virtuous”. Tawab is a direct Quranic name as it is mentioned 12 times in the Quran.
60: Tawadud
Tawadud is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “love”, “affection”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
61: Tawaf
Tawaf is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “circumambulation”, the circular walking around the Kaaba during the Haj proceedings.
62: Tawafiq
Tawafiq is an Arabic name for boys that means “success”, “to reach one’s aim”.
63: Tawakkul
Tawakkul is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “to trust in God”, “to rely on God”. It is derived from the W-K-L root.
64: Tawaqur
Tawaqur is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “calm”, “composure”, “solemnity”, “poise”, “self-possession”.
65: Tawazou
Tawazou is an Arabic name for boys that means “humility” (lack of arrogance).
66: Taweel
Taweel is an Arabic name for boys that means “tall”, “long”.
67: Tawfeeq
Tawfeeq is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “success”, “prosperity”, “harmony”. It is used twice in the Quran. My success is in the hands of God. (Quran 11:88).
68: Tawheed
Tawheed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “belief in the oneness of God”, which is the central tenet of the religion of Islam.
69: Tawkeel
Tawkeel is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “to trust in God”, “to rely on God”. It is derived from the W-K-L root which is used in many places in the Quran.
70: Tawl
Tawl is an Arabic name for boys that means “might”, “power”, “strength”, “respite”.
71: Tawlan
Tawlan is an Arabic name for boys that means “high in status and rank”, “great”, “elevated”.
72: Tawwad
Tawwad is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “affection”, “love”.
73: Tayil
Tayil is an Arabic name for boys that means “great”, “high of rank and status”, “powerful”, “generous”.
74: Taysir
Taysir is an Arabic name for boys that means “ease”, “facilitation”.
75: Tayyib
Tayyib is an Arabic name for boys that means “good”, “pure”, “virtuous”, it is the opposite of corrupt. Tayyib is a direct Quranic name mentioned 14 times in the Quran.
76: Tazayyun
Tazayyun is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “beautification”, “adorning”, the act of beautifying and adorning something.
77: Tazeen
Tazeen is an indirect Qurani name for girls that means “to beautify”, “to adorn”. It is derived from the Z-Y-N root which is used in many places in the Quran.
78: Teeb
Teeb is an Arabic name for boys that means “perfume”.
79: Thameen
Thameen, also simplified as Sameen, is an Arabic name for boys that means “precious”, “valuable”.
80: Thamir
Thamir is an Arabic name for boys that means “productive”, “profitable”, “fruit-bearing”.
81: Thayeb
Thayeb is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who returns to obedience of God”, “one who repents to God”.
82: Tibaq
Tibaq is an Arabic name for boys that means “equivalent”, “similar”. It also means “status”, “station”.
83: Tibhaj
Tibhaj is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “beauty”, “radiance and glow of the face”, “joyfulness”.
84: Tibr
Tibr is an Arabic name for boys that means “gold ore”, “silver ore”, “gold nuggets”.
85: Tilal
Tilal is an Arabic name for boys that means “exquisite”, “rare and beautiful”, “amazing”. It also means “light rain”. It also means “dew”.
86: Tilaluddin
Tilaluddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “most exquisite of the faith”, “the best of the faith”, which means “the best acts of worship”, or “the best believer”.
87: Tirhab
Tirhab is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “vastness”, “spaciousness”, “relaxed-ness”. It also means “to welcome”.
88: Tufan
Tufan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “flood”, “cataclysm”, “deluge”, “inundation”, “overflow”.
89: Tufayl
Tufail is an Arabic name for boys that means “little child”. It also means “beautiful”, “good-looking”, and “soft and delicate”, “gentle’.
90: Tullaab
Tullaab is an Arabic name for boys that means “students”, “seekers”, it is the plural of Taalib.
91: Turas
Turas is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “inheritance”. The word Turas/Turath is used in the Quran in verse 89:19.
92: Tuwailib
Tuwailib is an Arabic name for boys that means “seeker of knowledge”, “student”. It is a diminutive form of Talib.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With T
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