Muslim Boy Names Starting With S

100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With S, Powerful Names

Muslim Boy Names Starting With S

NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET S YOUR PERSONALITY — For you, it is pleasure before business and interested in action. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. 

You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate. But you never loose control of your emotions. Once you make the commitment you stick like glue. You could get jealous and possessive. You tend to be very selfish often regarding yourself as the only human being on the planet. 

You like being the center of attention. You are very caring, sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. Turned on by soft lights, romantic thoughts. 

When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role, or any game, and take your love life very seriously. 

You don’t fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along. You are kind nature & sweet, which is found to be attractive by many.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With S are given below

1: Saabih

Saabih is an Arabic name for boys that means “clear”, “beautiful”.

2: Saad

Saad is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “happiness”, “blessedness”.

3: Saadad

Saadad is an Arabic name for boys that means “sense”, “rationality”, “prudence”.

4: Saadan

Saadan is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyful”.

5: Saadat

Sadat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “leaders”, “lords”, “superiors”.

6: Saadi

Arabic for “blessed”, “successful”, “destined for happiness”.

7: Saadoon

Saadoon is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyful”.

8: Saaeb

Saaeb is an Arabic name for boys that means “sensible”, “rational”, “intelligent”.

9: Saaed

Saaed is an Arabic name for boys that means “great”, “majestic”, “magnificent”, “noble and aristocratic”, “glorious”, “superior”.

10: Saaf

Saaf is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “pure”.

11: Saafin

Saafin is an Arabic name for boys that means “those who are pure”, “those who are without blemished”. It is the plural of Saafi.

12: Saaie

Saaie is an Arabic name for boys that means “effort”, “labor”, “striving”, “pursuit”.

13: Saaih

Saaih is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who fasts”, “one who spends much time at the mosque”, “one who travels in the service of Allah”. It is derived from the S-Y-H6 root.

14: Saayed

Saayed is an Arabic name for boys that “dominant”, “chief”, “leader”.

15: Saayed

Saayed is an Arabic name for boys that means “hunter”.

16: Sabbagh

Sabbagh is an Arabic name for boys that means “dyer”, one whose job is to dye clothes.

17: Sabbaq

Sabbaq is an Arabic name for boys that means “on who races with others and gets ahead of them”, “one who is superior to others in goodness and virtue”.

18: Sabbar

Sabbar is an Arabic name for boys that means “extremely patient”, “extremely enduring”.

19: Sabeeh

Sabeeh is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who has handsome and glowing face”, “one whose face emanates light”.

20: Sabeel

Sabeel is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “way”, “path”, “road”, “route”. It is one of the most common words in the Quran.

21: Sabeer

Sabeer is an Arabic name for boys that means “patient”, “enduring”.

22: Sabeeri

Sabeeri is an Arabic name for boys that means “patient”, “enduring”. It also means “thick white clouds”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With S

23: Sabi

Sabi is an Arabic name for boys that means “affectionate”, “one who longs for something”.

24: Sabigh

Sabigh is an Arabic name for boys that means “dyer”, a person who changes the color of clothes using dye.

25: Sabihi

Sabihi is an Arabic name for boys that means “bright like the morning”, “good-looking”.

26: Sabiq

Arabic for “one who races others”, “one who races others and competes with them in doing good deeds”.

27: Sabir

Sabir is an Arabic name for boys that means “patient”, “enduring”.

28: Sabit

Sabit or Thabit is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “firmly in place”, “stable”, “unshakable”. It is used in the Quran in verses 14:24 and 14:27.

29: Sabr

Sabr is an Arabic name for boys that means “patience”, “endurance”.

30: Sabri

Sabri is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “patient”, “enduring”.

31: Sabur

Sabur is an Arabic name for boys that means “patient”, “enduring”.

32: Saburi

Saburi is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “patient”, “enduring”.

33: Sadaad

Sadaad is an Arabic name for boys that means “sense”, “rationality”, “soundness of judgment”.

34: Sadan

Sadan is an Arabic name for boys that means “sensible”, “prudent”, “reasonable”.

35: Sadeeq

Sadeeq is an Arabic name for boys that means “friend”, “close companion”.

36: Sadiq

Sadiq is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “honest”, “truehearted”, “sincere”, “faithful”, “devoted”. It is used in three places in the Quran.

37: Sadiqin

Sadiqin is an Arabic name for boys that means “truthful ones”, it is the plural of Sadiq. It is mentioned 50 times in the Quran.

38: Sadqan

Sadqan is na Arabic name for girls that means “truthful”, “sincere”.

39: Saeed

Saeed is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “successful”.

40: Saeedan

Saeedan is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyful”.

41: Safee

Safee is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “pure”, “untainted”.

42: Safeen

Safeen is an Arabic name for boys that means “ships”. It is the plural of Safeenah.

43: Safeer

Safeer is an Arabic name for boys that means “ambassador”, “messenger”.

44: Safih

Safih is an Arabic name for boys that means “pardoning”, “forgiving”.

45: Safiyyaddin

Safiyyaddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “the finest of the believers”, “the best among the believers”.

46: Safuh

Safuh is an Arabic name for boys that means “forgiving”, “pardoning”, one who forgives and pardons others.

47: Safwan

Safwan is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “rock”. It is used in the Quran in verse 2:264. Safwan also means “bright and clear day”.

48: Safwat

Safwat is the Turkish variant of the Arabic name Safwah which means “the best”, “the finest”, “top”, “elite”. It is used for both boys and girls.

49: Sahabah

Sahabah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “companions”. It is the plural of Sahabi.

50: Sahbah

Sahbah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “friendship”, “companionship”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With S

51: Sahban

Sahban is an Arabic name for boys that means “friend”, “companion”.

52: Sahbi

Sahbi is an Arabic name for boys that means “friend”, “companion”.

53: Saheer

Saheer is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who takes care of someone”, especially one who stays up at night to take care of a child or sick person.

54: Sahhah

Sahhah is an Arabic name for boys that means “whole”, “flawless, “faultless”.

55: Sahib

Sahib is an Arabic name for boys that means “friend”, “companion”.

56: Sahil

Sahil is an Arabic name for boys that means “shore”, “rive bank”, “beach”, “coastline”, “coast”. It is derived Quranic name used in the Quran in Surat Taha.

57: Sahir

Sahir is an indirect Quranic a name for boys that means “one who stays up late at night”, “one who spends the night caring for a sick person”. It is derived from the S-H-R root.

58: Sahl

Sahl is an Arabic name for boys that means “easy”, “without trouble”, “without difficulty”, “plain and uncomplicated”. It can also mean “plain”.

59: Sahm

Sahm is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “arrow” (the pointed piece of wood that is shot from a bow, used in hunting and in war). Sahm is derived from the S-H26-M root.

60: Saibal

Saibal is an Arabic name for boys that means “rain that falls heavily”. It also means “spike”.

61: Saif

Saif is an Arabic name for boys that means “summer”, if spelled as صَيْف in Arabic. If spelled as سَيْف, it becomes a non-Quranic word that means “sword”. Both are acceptable.

62: Saifaddin

Saifaddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “sword of the faith”, a warrior who supports his faith.

63: Saiful Haq

Saiful Haq is an Arabic name for boys that means “sword of truth”, a person who fights in support of truth and justice.

64: Saiful Islam

Saiful Islam is an Arabic name for boys that means “sword of Islam”, a warrior who supports Islam.

65: Saim

Saim is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who is fasting,” a person who gives up pleasures for the sake of Allah. It comes from Saum, fasting.

66: Sajeed

Sajeed is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who prostrates often”, “one who humbles himself before God”.

67: Sajid

Sajid is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “one who prostrates”, “one who is a devout worshiper of Allah”. The word Sajid is mentioned in verse 9 of Surat az-Zumar.

68: Sakhr

Sakhr is an Arabic name for boys that means “rock”, “boulder”.

69: Salaat

Salaat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “prayer”, “litany “, a type of prayer that has prescribed times and methods of doing.

70: Salah

Salah is an Arabic name for boys that means “faithfulness”, “loyalty”, “piety”, “purity”, “goodness”, “benefit”.

71: Salahaddin

Salahaddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “uprightness of the faith”, “goodness of the faith”, “what is good for the faith”, a person who benefits and guides the Muslims.

72: Salahan

Salahan is an Arabic name for boys that means “good”, “upright”, “devoted”, “pious”.

73: Salam

Salam is a direct Quranic name that means peace, safety, security, and a person who doesn’t harm others. It is used in many places in the Quran.

74: Salama

Salama is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “flawlessness”, “safety”. It is derived from the S-L-M root which is used in many places in the Quran.

75: Saleef

Saleef is an Arabic name for boys that means “preceding”. It also means “one who is ahead”, “advanced”.

76: Saleem

Saleem is an direct Quranic name for boys that means righteous, true, perfect, unblemished, unharmed, in good health. It is mentioned directly in the Quran twice.

77: Saleet

Saleet is an Arabic name for boys that means “eloquent”, one who is good at speaking or at making speeches.

78: Salif

Salif is an Arabic name for boys that means “predecessor”, “preceding”, “previous”, “precursor”.

79: Salih

Salih means righteous, virtuous, intact, and good, it is the opposite of corrupt. Saliah is also the name of a prophet mentioned in the Quran.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With S

80: Salihan

Salihan is an Arabic name for boys that means “virtuous”, “pious”.

81: Salihin

Salihin is an Arabic name for boys that means “pious”, “virtuous”. It is the plural of Salih.

82: Salim

Salim is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means correct, free from error, safe, intact, unharmed, unblemished, healthy. It is mentioned in the plural in the Quran.

83: Saloof

Saloof is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who gets ahead of others”, “one who advances often”.

84: Saloom

Saloom is an Arabic name for boys that means “safe and sound”, “without fault”, “without injury”.

85: Salsabil

Salsabil is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “a drink that is easy and enjoyable to drink”, it is also the name of a spring/fountain in Paradise, mentioned in verse 76:18 of the Quran.

86: Samaan

Samaan is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who hears”, “one who listens”, “one who is a good listener”.

87: Samawah

Samawah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “greatness”, “elevation”, “highness of status and rank”.

88: Samawi

Samawi is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “from the sky”, “heavenly”. It also means “elevated”, “one who has a high status or rank”.

89: Samd

Samd is an Arabic name for boys that means “composure”, “determination”, “perseverance”, “steadfastness”.

90: Samee

Samee is an Arabic name for boys that means “perceptive”, “one who hears”. It is used 47 times in the Quran.

91: Sameek

Arabic for “high”, “exalted”, “raised”.

92: Sameer

Sameer (with the stress on the end: -meer) is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “good friend”.

93: Samer

Samer (with the stress on the first syllable: Saa-) is direct Quranic name for boys that means “good friend”. It’s literal meaning is “night conversation companion”.

94: Sami

Sami is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “exalted”, “sublime”, “in a high position”.

95: Samid

Samid is an Arabic name for boys that means “firm”, “steadfast”, “unfaltering”, “impervious”.

96: Samik

Arabic for “high”, “exalted”, “raised”.

97: Samit

Samit is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means silent, it is a kinaya (reference) to wisdom and deep thought.

98: Sammad

Sammad is an Arabic name for boys that means “firm of will”, “strong in determination”, “persevering”, “steadfast”.

99: Sammar

Sammar is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who continues conversation long into the night”. It is an emphasized form of Saamer.

100: Samood

Samood is an Arabic name for boys that means “firm of will”, “strong in determination”, “persevering”, “steadfast”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With M

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