Muslim Boy Names Starting With P

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET Q  AND YOUR PERSONALITY –You require constant activity and stimulation. You have tremendous physical energy. It is not easy for a partner to keep up with you. 

You are an enthusiastic lover and tend to be attracted to people because of their ethnic groups. 

You need romance, hearts and flowers, and conversation to turn you on and keep you going.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q are given below

1: Qabilaa

Qabilaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “accepter”, “approver”. It is a variant of Qabilah.

2: Qabilah

Qabilah is an Arabic name for girls that means “accepter”, “approver”, one who approves of something or agrees to receive something.

3: Qaddarah

Qaddarah is an Arabic name for girls that means “arranger”, “organizer”.

4: Qadduraa

Qadduraa is an Arabic name for girls that means “capable”, “able”, “powerful”.

5: Qaddurah

Qaddurah is an Arabic name for girls that means “able”, “capable”, “powerful”.

6: Qadeerah

Qadeerah is an Arabic name for girls that means “able”, “capable”, “powerful”.

7: Qadri

Qadri is an Arabic name for boys and girls that menas “powerful”, “able”.

8: Qadriyyah

Qadriyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “able”, “capable”, “powerful”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

9: Qadumah

Qadumah is an Arabic name for girls that means “brave”, “bold”.

10: Qaisah

Qaisah is an Arabic name for girls that means “firmness”, “strength”.

11: Qaleeb

Qaleeb is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “well”, a hole in the ground from which water (or other materials) is acquired.

12: Qamar

Qamar is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “moon”. It is used 27 times in the Quran.

13: Qamaraat

Qamaraat is an Arabic name for girls that means “moons”, being the plural of Qamar (“moon”).

14: Qamari

Qamari is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “moon-like”, meaning “bright”, “radiant”, “good-looking”.

15: Qamariyyah

Qamariyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “moon-like”, thus meaning “radiant”, “good-looking”.

16: Qamirah

Qamirah is an Arabic name for girls that means “moonlit” (something that has moonlight on it), “white and radiant like the moon”.

17: Qamrun

Qamrun is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “moon”, being a pet form of Qamar.

18: Qanita

Qanita means a woman who is truly devoted to God, constant in worshiping Him and praying. The Quran uses the word to describe Maryam/Mary mother of Prophet Isa/Jesus.


19: Qareen

Qareen is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “friend”, “companion”.

20: Qarirah

Qarirah is an Arabic name for girls that means “calm”, “serene”. It also means “happy”, “full of joy”.

21: Qarurah

Qarurah is an Arabic name for girls that means “serene”, “tranquil”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

22: Qaseemah

Qaseemah is an Arabic name for girls that means “beatiful”. It also means “dawn”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

23: Qasmaa

Qasmaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “beautiful”, “gorgeous”.

24: Qassamah

Qassamah is an Arabic name for girls that means “distributor”, a person who distributes something among people.

25: Qasumah

Qasumah is an Arabic name for girls that means “beautiful”.

26: Qayyimah

Qayyimah is an Arabic name for girls that means “upright”, “good”, “proper”.

27: Qiblah

Qiblah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “direction”, especially the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which the Muslims face during formal prayer.

28: Qiraat

Qiraat is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “recitation of the Quran”. It is derived from the Q-R-HAMZ (he/she read or recited).

29: Qismah

Qismah is an Arabic name for girls that means “fortune”, a person’s share of the good things in life.

30: Qismat

Qismat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “fortune”, a person’s share of the good things in life.

31: Qiyam

Qiyam is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to stand up late at night to pray”. The word is used in many places in the Quran, such as 25:64.

32: Qudairah

Qudairah is an Arabic name for girls that means “power”, “capability”, “ability”.

33: Qudrah

Qudrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “power”, “ability”, “capacity”.

34: Qudwah

Qudwah is an Arabic name for girls that means “ideal”, “model”, “exemplar”, a person that others follow and learn from.

35: Qumr

Qumr is an Arabic name for girls that means “extremely fair-skinned”, “extremely white-skinned”.

36: Qumrah

Qumrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “moonlight”.

37: Qumri

Qumri is an Arabic name for girls that refers to a type of bird belonging to the Clumbidae family (doves and pigeons) known as the European turtle dove in English.

38: Qurb

Qurb is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “closeness”, “nearness”, “proximity”.

39: Qurrah

Qurrah is an Arabic name for girls that means “consolation”, “comfort”, a child that brings comfort to her parents and removes their sadness and worries.

41: Qurrat

Qurrat is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “cause of the removal of sadness”.

42: Qurratul Ain

Qurratul Ain is a direct Quranic name for girls that means “joy and tranquility to the eye”.

43: Qusaimah

Qusaimah is an Arabic name for girls taht means “fortune”, one’s share of life’s good things. It is the diminutive form of Qismah.

44: Quwa

Quwa is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “strength”, “power”. It is 29 times in the Quran.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

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