Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
NAMES STARTING WITH ALPHABET M AND YOUR PERSONALITY —You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we know that appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes, though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of love.
You can be highly critical of your mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards.
You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. You are often selfish, thinking you are always right no matter what.
You never give in. Winning is your prime desire- at any cost. You often forget friends and family and you live for the moment.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M are given below
1: Maad
Maad is an Arabic name for boys that means “hereafter”, “afterlife”. It also means “recurrence”, “repetition”.
2: Maadil
Maadil is an Arabic name for boys that means “road”, “way”, “method”, “creed”.
3: Maadin
Maadin is an Arabic name for boys “metal”, “mineral”.
4: Maadini
Maadini is an Arabic name for boys that means “metallic”, “made of metal”.
5: Maadun
Maadun is an Arabic name for boys that means “inhabited”, “resided in”, a place that is inhabited by people and is not in ruins.
6: Maakuf
Maakuf is an Arabic name for boys that means “a place where people stay overnight”, especially describing a mosque where people stay overnight to worship God.
7: Maalam
Maalam is an Arabic name for boys that means “milestone”, “road sign”.
8: Maali
Maali is an Arabic name for boys that means “greatness”, “highness of rank and status”.
9: Maamour
Maamour is an Arabic name for boys that means “inhabited”, “built up”.
10: Maamuri
Maamuri is an Arabic name for boys that means “inhabited”, “built up”. It is an attribution to Maamour.
11: Maan
Maan is an Arabic name for boys that means “beneficial”, “helpful”.
12: Maarif
Maarif is an Arabic name for boys that means “knowledge”, “wisdom”.
13: Maarij
Maarij is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “ascents”, “routes of ascent”, “stairs”.
14: Maarufi
Maarufi is an Arabic name for boys that means “doer of good deeds”, “one who does what is appropriate and acceptable”.
15: Maash
Maash is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “livelihood”, “sustenance”.
16: Maashar
Maashar is an Arabic name for boys that means “group of people”, “folk”, “kinsfolk”.
17: Maashir
Maashir is an Arabic name for boys that means “communities”, “societies”, “folks”, “groups of people”. It is the plural of Maashar.
18: Maasib
Maasib is an Arabic name for boys that means “masters”, “chiefs”. It is the plural of Mu’sab (not Mus’ab).
19: Maatuq
Maatuq is an Arabic name for boys that means “freed”, “freed from slavery”.
20: Maayish
Maayish is an Arabic name for boys that means “livelihood”, “sustenance”.
21: Maayush
Maayush is an Arabic name for boys that means “alive”, “living”, “living well”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
22: Maaz
Maaz is an Arabic name for boys that means “refuge”, “shelter”.
23: Maazim
Maazim is an Arabic name for boys that means “dignified”, “patient”, “enduring”, “resolved”.
24: Maazir
Maazir is an Arabic name for boys that means “excuses”.
25: Maazur
Maazur is an Arabic name for boys that means “excused”, “blameless”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
26: Maazuz
Maazuz is an Arabic name for boys that means “strong”, “powerful”, “without dishonor”.
27: Mabruk
Mabruk is an Arabic name for boys that means “blessed”.
28: Mabrur
Mabrur is an Arabic name for boys that means “accepted into the grace of God”, “blessed”, “proper”, “right”, “valid”.
29: Madkhal
Madkhal is an Arabic name for boys that means “entrance”, “entry”, “admittance”, “access”.
30: Maeesh
Maeesh is an Arabic name for boys that means “life”, “lifetime”, “livelihood”.
31: Mafakhir
Mafakhir is an Arabic name for boys that means “glorious deed”, “glorious trait”, “object of pride”, something that people are proud of. It is the plural of Mafkharah.
32: Maftooh
Maftooh is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “opened”, “freed”. It is derived from the F-T-H6 root which is used in a number of place in the Quran.
33: Maftuh
Maftuh is an Arabic name for boys that means “one for whom the doors of good things are open”, “one whose heart is open to goodness”, literally meaning “open”.
34: Maghayis
Maghayis is an Arabic name for boys that means “rainfalls”. It is the plural of Maghyas.
35: Maghazi
Maghazi is an Arabic name for boys that means “essence”, ‘intent”, “content”, “significance”, “gist”. It is the plural of Maghzaa.
36: Mahaad
Mahaad is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “bringer of ease”, “one who comforts others”, “one who makes things even and uniform”. It is derived from the M-H26-D root.
37: Mahal
Mahal is an Arabic name for boys that means “lenient”, “forbearing”.
38: Mahbub
Mahbub is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “loved”, “adored”, “adorable”, “cute”.
39: Mahbur
Mahbur is an Arabic name for boys that means “blessed”, “living in luxury”.
40: Mahd
Mahd is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “cradle”, “place of comfort”, “starting point”. Below is an example of the use of Mahd in the Quran in verse 3:46.
41: Mahdi
Mahdi is an Arabic name for boys that means “well-guided”, “guided by God”.
42: Mahfuz
Mahfuz is an Arabic name for boys that means “protected”, “guarded”.
43: Mahid
Mahid is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “bringer of ease”, “one who comforts others”, “one who makes things even and uniform”. It is derived from the M-H26-D root.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
44: Mahmud
Mahmud is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “laudable”. Mahmud is a synonym of Muhammad. It is used in the Quran in verse 17:79.
45: Mahrus
Mahrus is an Arabic name for boys that means “guarded”, “protected”.
46: Mahsub
Mahsub is an Arabic name for boys that means “measured”, “quantified”.
47: Mahsum
Mahsum is an Arabic name for boys that means “decided”, “determined”, “resolved”, “settled”.
48: Mahsun
Mahsun is an Arabic name for boys that means “beautified”, “improved”.
49: Mahul
Mahul is an Arabic name for boys that means “leniency”, “forbearance”.
50: Mahzuz
Mahzuz is an Arabic name for boys that means “fortunate”, “lucky”.
51: Maidan
Maidan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “arena”, “courtyard”, “square”, “plaza”.
52: Maiz
Arabic for “distinguisher”, one who distinguishes between good and bad, or between truth and falsehood.
53: Majd
Majd is a name for both boys and girls and means luster, honor, distinction, glory. It is not directly mentioned in the Quran, but it is derived from M-J-D root which is used in the Quran.
54: Majdan
Majdan is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “glorious”.
55: Majdi
Majdi is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “commendable”, “glorious”.
56: Majduddin
Majduddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “glory of the faith”, meaning that the person named so is the cause for success of Islam and the Muslims.
57: Majeed
Arabic for “glorious”, “praiseworthy”, “exalted”.
58: Majeedan
Majeedan is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “glorious”.
59: Majeedi
Majeedi is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “glorious”.
60: Majjad
Majjad is an Arabic name for girls that means “praiseworthy”, “laudable”, “glorious”.
61: Majjadin
Majjadin is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, “commendable”, “laudable”.
62: Majzub
Majzub is an Arabic name for boys that means “attracted to”. In Sufi literature it means “one who is attracted to the Truth”.
63: Makan
Makan is an Arabic name for boys that means “place”. It is used 28 times in the Quran.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
64: Makki
Makki is an Arabic name for boys that means “Meccan”, a person or thing that is from the city of Mecca in Arabia.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
65: Makram
Makram is an Arabic name for boys that means “generosity”, “honor”, “respect”.
66: Makramullah
Makramullah is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who honors God”, “one who respects God”.
67: Makrimi
Makrimi is an Arabic name for boys that means “honor”, “generosity”, “good-doing”. It is an attribution to Makramah.
68: Makrur
Makrur is an Arabic name for boys that means “repeating”, “recurring”.
69: Maktub
Maktub is an Arabic name for boys that means “written”, “recorded”, “decreed”.
70: Maleeh
Maleeh is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “handsome”, “charming”, “witty”. It is derived from the M-L-H6 root (salt, beauty) which is used twice in the Quran.
71: Maleek
Maleek is an Arabic name for boys that means “king”, “owner”, “master”.
72: Maleekan
Maleekan is an Arabic name for boys that means “kings”, “masters”.
73: Malih
Malih is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “handsome”, “charming”, “witty”. It is derived from the M-L-H6 root (salt, beauty) which is used twice in the Quran.
74: Malmus
Malmus is an Arabic name for boys that means “within reach”, “touchable”.
75: Malouf
Malouf is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “well-known”, “good friend”, “beloved”. It is derived from the A-L-F root.
76: Mamdud
Mamdud is an Arabic name for boys that means “extensive”, “great”, “outspread”, “expanded”.
77: Mamun
Mamun or Ma`moon is a Quranic name for boys that means trusted, trustworthy and honorable. It is derived from the A-M-N root.
78: Manafi
Manafi is an Arabic name for boys that means “benefits”.
79: Manari
Manari is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “radiant”, “brilliant”, literally meaning “one who is like a lighthouse”.
80: Manarul Islam
Manarul Islam is an Arabic name for boys that means “lighthouse of Islam”, meaning a person who enlightens the Muslims or has great knowledge of Islam.
81: Manazir
Manazir is an Arabic name for boys that means “radiant place”, “flourishing place”.
82: Mansar
Mansar is an Arabic name for boys that means “support”, “advocacy”, “backing”.
83: Mansur
Mansur is an Arabic name for boys that “overcomer”, “victor”, “triumphant”. It also means “one who is backed”, “one who is supported against his enemy”.
84: Mansuri
Mansuri is an Arabic name for boys that means “victor”, “triumphant”.
85: Manzur
Manzur is an Arabic name for boys that means “seen”, “visible”. It also means “anticipated”, “foreseen”, “expected”.
86: Maooni
Maouni is an Arabic name for boys that means “helper”, “supporter”.
87: Maqasid
Maqasid is an Arabic name for boys that means “goals”, “aims”, “intentions”, “destinations”.
88: Maqbul
Maqbul is an Arabic name for boys that means “accepted”, “approved”, especially a prayer that has been accepted by God.
89: Maqbuli
Maqbuli is an Arabic name for boys that means “accepted”, “approved”, especially a prayer that has been accepted by God. It is an attribution to Maqbul.
90: Maqdum
Maqdum is an Arabic name for boys that means “begun”, “initiated”, “started”. It also means “accepted”, “approved”.
91: Maqdur
Maqdur is an Arabic name for boys that means “doable”, “achievable”, “feasible”. It also means “measured”, “determined”.
92: Maqsud
Maqsud is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “desired”, “sought”. It also means “moderate”, “middle way”.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With M
93: Maraheeb
Maraheeb is an Arabic name for boys that means “generosity”. It also means “welcome”, “hospitality”.
94: Marahi
Marahi is an Arabic name for boys that means “joyous”, “lively”, “exuberant”.
95: Marashid
Marashid is an Arabic name for boys that means “right guidance”. It is the plural of Marshad.
96: Marbuh
Marbuh is an Arabic name for boys that means “earned”, “something that was won”.
97: Marduf
Marduf is an Arabic name for boys that means “followed”, “one after whom others come”.
98: Mareen
Mareen is an Arabic name for boys that means “gentle”, “lenient”.
99: Mareer
Mareer is an Arabic name for boys that means “strong”, “resolved”, “firm of will”.
100: Marghab
Marghab is an Arabic name for boys that means “desire”, “wish”.
Read ISLAMIC NAME Etiquette Of Naming New Born Babies
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