92 Top Muslim Boy Names Starting With H

92 Top Best Muslim Boy Names Starting With H

Muslim Boy Names Starting With H


You seek a mate who can enhance your zest for life, fun & everything you seek for. You will be very generous to your lover once you have attained a commitment. 

You are very affectionate & very strong. Your gifts are actually an investment in your partner. Before the commitment, though, you tend to be very careful with your every move and equally cautious in your involvements often, as you believe that you have to look out for yourself. 

You are a sensual and patient lover. You will hold off till everything meets your full approval. You are a perfectionist, hard to satisfy and strong in your beliefs. 

Not influential, you always stand your ground. People can always count on you to stand by them in a crisis. You are a dreamer with a passion for life.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With H are given below

1: Haaiz

Haaiz is an Arabic name for boys that means “acquirer”, “getter”.

2: Haayi

Haayi is an Arabic name for boys that means “modest”, “bashful”.

3: Habbab

Habbab is an Arabic name for boys that means “loving”, “affectionate”.

4: Habban

Habban is an Arabic name for boys that means “loving”, “affectionate”.

5: Habib

Habib is an Arabic name for boys that means “loved”, “beloved”, “lover”.

6: Habibur Rahman

Habibur Rahman is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “beloved friend of Allah”. The original form of the name is Habib ar-Rahman.

7: Habiri

Habiri is an Arabic name for boys that means “colorful clouds”.

8: Habr

Habr is an Arabic name for boys that means “virtuous”, “scholar”, “blessings”, “happiness”.

9: Habrur

Habrur is an Arabic name for boys that means “blessed”, “living in luxury”.

10: Hadeed

Hadeed is an Arabic name for boys that means “iron”, “sharp”, “penetrating” (as in the word “a penetrating gaze”). It is derived from the H6-D-D quranic root.

11: Hadees

Hadees, which is an easier pronunciation of Hadeeth, is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “speech”, “dialog’, “new”, “modern”.

12: Hadi

Hadi means someone who guides people toward as-Sirat al-Mustaqeem (the Straight Path), and it is one of the 99 Attributes of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala).

13: Haffaz

Haffaz is an Arabic name for boys that means “protector”, “protective”. It also means “one who memorizes much”, especially one who memorizes Quran and spends much time doing this.

14: Hajid

Hajid is a Arabic name for boys that means “one who sleeps”. It also means “one who prays during the night”, “one who prays the tahajjud prayer”.

15: Hajir

Hajir is an Arabic name for boys that means “migrator”, “emigrant”. It also means “noble”, “excellent”.

16: Hakeem

Hakeem means wise, insightful, and decisive. It is mentioned in verse 44:4 in one of about 97 mentions; when preceded by definite article ‘Al’ (Al-Hakeem).

17: Haleef

Haleef is an Arabic name for boys that means “ally”.

18: Hallam

Hallam is an Arabic name for boys that means “forbearing”, “enduring”, “lenient”. It also means “dreamer”.

19: Halyan

Halyan is an Arabic name for boys that means “adorned”, figuratively meaning “adorned with good manners”.

20: Hamd

Hamd is an Arabic name for boys that means “praise”. It is used 43 times in the Quran. Praise belongs to Allah, who has granted to me in old age Ismaeel and Ishaaq.

21: Hamdan

Hamdan is an Arabic name for girls that means “praise”. It also means “one who praises”, “one who praises God”.

22: Hamdat

Hamdat is the Turkish form of the Arabic word Hamdah, which means “praise”.

23: Hamdi

Hamdi is an Arabic name for girls that means “praiseworthy”, “praise”.

24: Hamdun

Hamdun is an Arabic name for boys that means “praise”, “praiseworthy”.

25: Hameed

Hameed is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”. It is used 17 times in the Quran.

26: Hameef

Hameef is an Arabic name for boys that means “virtuous”, “believer in God’s oneness”.

27: Hamidat

Hamidat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Hamidah.

28: Hamim

Hamim is an Arabic name for boys that means “close friend”, “devoted friend”. It is used 20 times in the Quran.

29: Hammad

Hammad is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who praises”, especially one who praises God often.

30: Hammadah

Hammadah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “one who praises often”, especially one who praises God often.

31: Hammadi

Hammadi is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”, being a pet form of Muhammad, Mahmud and other names.

32: Hammud

Hammud is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”. It is a pet form of Ahmad.

33: Hamool

Hamool is an Arabic name for boys that means “patient”, “enduring”.

34: Hanafi

Hanafi is an Arabic name for boys that means “monotheist”, a person who believes in the oneness of God. It also means “one who subscribes to the school of Abu Hanifah”.

35: Hanan

Hanan is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means compassion, sympathy, love. It is derived from the H6-N-N root which is used in Surat Maryan.

36: Hanif

Hanif is an Arabic name for boys that means “monotheist”, a person who believes in the oneness of God. It also means “devout believer”, “devout Muslim”.

37: Hanin

Hanin is an Arabic name for boys that means “affectionate”, “sympathetic”.

39: Haq

Haq is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “truth”, “right” (as in “human rights”). It is the source for one of the names of God in Islam.

40: Haqiq

Haqiq is an Arabic name for boys that means “worthy”, “deserving”, “befitting”, “becoming”, “suitable”.

41: Harees

Harees is an Arabic name for boys that means “eager”, “keen”, “desirous”.

41: Haris

Haris is a variant of Harith. Arabs and non-Arabs alike commonly pronounce the name as Haris for ease. You can use either Haris or Harith.

42: Harith

Harith is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “cultivator”, “farmer” (literally “one who plows”), it also means “lion”.

43: Haritha

Haritha is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “cultivator”, “farmer” (literally “one who plows”), it also means “lion”.

44: Haroona

Haroona is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls. It is a non-standard modification of the Quranic name Harun.

92 Top Muslim Boy Names Starting With H

45: Harun

Harun is a direct Quranic name for boys that is mentioned 20 times in the Quran. It is the name of Prophet Harun (Aaron), brother of Prophet Musa (Moses).

46: Hasab

Hasab is an Arabic name for boys that means “good deed”, “generosity”. It also means “pedigree”, “lineage”.

47: Hasan

Hasan is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “beautiful”, “handsome”, “goodly”, “gentle”, “good-mannered”, “virtuous”. It is derived from the H6-S-N qurnic root.

48: Haseem

Haseem is an Arabic name for boys that means “diligent”, “assiduous”, “persevering”.

49: Haseen

Haseen is an Arabic name for boys that means “handsome”, “good-looking”.

50: Hasees

Hasees is an Arabic name for boys that means “sensitive”, “perceptive”.

51: Hashaam

Hashaam is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “breaker”, “brave destroyer of evil”. It is a stronger form of the name Hashim. It is derived from the H26-SH-M quranic root.

52: Hashim

Hashim is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “breaker”, “brave destroyer of evil”.

53: Hasil

Hasil is an Arabic name for boys that means “acquirer”, “producer”, “farmer”, “harvester”.

54: Hasim

Hasim is an Arabic name for boys that means “decisive”, “conclusive”, “determinate”.

55: Hasin

Hasin is an Arabic name for boys that means “good-looking”, “beautiful”. The female form is Hasinah.

56: Hasoun

Hasoun is an Arabic name for boys that means “virtuous”, “chaste”.

57: Hassan

Hassan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “very handsome”, “very goodly”, “very good-mannered” when derived from the H6-S-N (beauty) Quranic root.

58: Hassun

Hassun is an Arabic name for boys that means “handsome”, “good-looking”. It is a pet form of Hasan.

59: Hatim

Hatim means decisive and crucial, someone or something that puts an end to doubts. Hatim also means judge or ruler.

60: Hattab

Hattab is an Arabic name for boys that means “lumberjack”, “woodcutter”, “wood gatherer”, “timberman”, “timber merchant”.

61: Hawari

Hawari is an Arabic name for boys that means “apostle”, “follower”, “supporter”, used in the Quran to refer to the early followers of Prophet Isa/Jesus, peace be upon him.

62: Hayat

Hayat is Arabic and Turkish name for boys and girls that means “life”. It is a Quranic name mentioned about 76 times in the Quran.

63: Hayyan

Hayyan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means alive, awake, and someone who has self respect and refuses to be mistreated and disrespected. It is derived from the H6-Y-A quranic root.

64: Hayyee

Hayyee is an Arabic name for boys that means “modest”, “bashful”.

65: Hayyin

Hayyin is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “easy”, “facilitated”, “without obstacles”. It also means “lenient”, “forgiving”.

66: Hazar

Hazar is an Arabic name for boys that means “vigilant”, “cautious”, “careful”.

67: Hazeem

Hazeem is an Arabic name for boys, and less commonly for girls, that means “thunder”. It also means “the sound of hooves”, the sound that horses make when they walk.

68: Hazir

Hazir is an Arabic name for boys that means “present” (opposite of “absent”), “the present” (meaning “now”), “prepared”, “ready”.

69: Hibr

Hibr is an Arabic name for boys that means “ink”. It also means “virtuous man”, “scholar”.

70: Hikma

Hikma is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “wisdom”.

71: Hikmat

Hikmat is the Turkish form of the Arabic word Hikmah, which means “wisdom”.

72: Hilf

Hilf is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “treaty”, “alliance”, “confederacy”.

73: Hilmi

Hilmi is an Arabic name for boys that means “forbearing”, “enduring”.

74: Himaa

Himaa is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “haven”, “harbor”, “hideaway”, a place that is defended and protected.

75: Himayat

Himayat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Himayah, which means “care”, “safekeeping”, “guarding”, “defense”. It is used for both boys and girls.

76: Hisham

Hisham is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “noble”, “gracious”, “honorable”. It is a Sahabi name. It is derived from the H26-Sh-M.

77: Hobb

Hobb is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “love”, “affection”. It is used in many places in the Quran, for example twice in verse 2:165.

78: Hubaibi

Hubaibi is an Arabic name for boys that means “loving”, “beloved”.

79: Hubair

Hubair is an Arabic name for boys that means “little scholar”. It also means “ink”.

80: Hubbee

Hubbee is an Arabic name for boys that means “loving”, “affectionate”.

81: Hufaiz

Hufaiz is an Arabic name for boys that means “protector”.

82: Hulm

Hulm is an Arabic name for boys that means “forbearance”, “patient”, “leniency”.

83: Humaid

Humaid is an Arabic name or boys that means “praise”.

84: Humaidan

Humaidan is an Arabic name for boys that means “praiseworthy”.

85: Humam

Humam is an Arabic name for boys that means “honored”, “noble”, “high-ranking”.

86: Hunain

Hunain is the name of a battle mentioned in the Quran, which was won by the Muslims. Hunain is the name of a valley between at-Taif and Mecca in which the battle took place.

87: Husaim

Husaim is an Arabic name for boys that means “diligent”, “assiduous”, “industrious”.

88: Husam

Husam is an Arabic name for boys that means “sharp sword”, “cutting sword”. It also means “sword blade”.

89: Husni

Husni is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “handsome”, “good”. It is derived from the H6-S-N root which is used in many places in the Quran.

90: Hussein

Hussein is an indirect Quranic name for boys. Hussein is a synonym of Hasan, it means “beautiful”, “handsome”, “goodly”, “gentle”, “good-mannered”, “virtuous.”.

91: Hutaim

Hutaim is an Arabic name for boys that means “pure”, it also means “judge”, “ruler”.

92: Huyai

Huyai is an Arabic name for boys that means “alive”, “vibrant”.

Muslim Boy Names Starting With H

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