Surah Yunus Taweez for Pregnancy, Amulet to ease delivery

Benefits of Surah Yunus Chapter 10 of Quran E Majeed

Benefits of Surah Yunus Virtues,Secrets

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
الر تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ الْحَكِيمِ
الف، لام، را (حقیقی معنی اﷲ اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ہی بہتر جانتے ہیں)، یہ حکمت والی کتاب کی آیتیں ہیں
Alif, Lam, Ra. (Only Allah and the Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him] know the real meaning). These are the Verses of the Book which is all wisdom.
Sura : Makki by Tilawat : 10 by Reveal : 51 Ruku` : 11 Ayats : 109 Part No. : 11
Benefits of Surah Yunus Chapter 10 of Quran E Majeed

Surat Yunus (Jonah) No. 10 (Revealed in Mecca) 109 verses in 11 sections

Surah Yunus is the tenth Surat of the Holy Quran which was revealed during the early days of the Prophet’s appointment in Mecca.

Surat Yunus contains 109 verses,

The objective of this surah is the manifestation of the belief in the Divine decree. Sometimes, fate and destiny occur because Allah (SWT) knows how a person will behave after having been delivered from afflictions

Before facing real afflictions, we all go through situations that manifest our attitudes when the crisis is overOne might experience minor problems and makes dua’a (supplication) to Allah (SWT) to be savedNevertheless, Allah (SWT) may torment him because He knows how that person will behave if Allah saves him as usual.

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The power of Quranic remedies lies in their ability to connect us to Allah. By reciting these verses, we seek Allah’s help for our troubles and show our complete reliance on Him. The Quranic remedies are not just words, they are the words of Allah that carry a special power.

Studies have shown that Quranic recitation has a positive impact on mental and physical health. Quranic recitation can lead to a decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also said to have a positive impact on blood pressure, heart rate, and overall physical well-being. Apart from the obvious benefits to mental and physical health, Quranic remedies also have a spiritual element. They remind us of our purpose in life and help us in connecting to Allah. The Quranic remedies are meant to be a source of guidance and a reminder of Allah’s infinite power.

What is the Dua for remove anxiety and depression?

Surah Al-Rehman as a remedy to reduce depression, other Surahs are also effective, for anxiety you can recite Surah Kahf, Surah Ad-Duha & Surah Yusuf. Reciting Surah Yusuf will help us to ground and provide a sense of calm. Turning to Allah for comfort is often the best way to deal with anxiety and stress.

Surah Yunus as Detective: Whoever writes this Surat Yunus on a tray or china plate, washes it with rose water, kneads flour with that water, cooks it and gives a slice of the loaf to everyone, the real culprit would not be able to swallow it and would make confession of guilt.

What Dua is for easy birth?

A woman who is giving birth with a pure intention while paying full attention to Allah, Recite Surah Yunus, Allah will bless her while delivery of baby.

Reciting Quran Benefits of Surah Yunus :

There many benefits of Surah Yunus few are given below

  1. Out of various benefits of Sura Yunos,1 is If you recites this surah once in two or three months would have no fear of going into the camp of those who live in ignorance (infidels); and Allah would raise him on the day of judgement in the group of the favourites of Allah.
  2. Whoso recites this surat h would get the reward mentioned in its verse 26 :
    “For those who do good is the best reward and more. Neither darkness nor ignominy shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of the garden where they will abide for ever.”
  3. Whoever recites Surat Yunus his reward would be equal to the number of the persons who have testified Allah.
  4. Other benefits of Surat Yunus is for those Who writes Surat Yunus on paper and keeps it in their house along with the names of all inmates any intrigue by any of these would be disclosed to him;
  5. Surat Yunus as Detective : Whoever writes this Surat Yunus on a tray or china plate, washes it with rose water, kneads flour with that water, cooks it and gives a slice of the loaf to every one, the real culprit would not be able to swallow it and would make confession of guilt.

Those who want Taweez, Naqash Benefits of Surah Yunus, you can contact by email- WHATSAPP


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